Though it may seem like it to bystanders and outsiders, musical evolution doesn’t just happen overnight. Reshaping one’s sound is a gradual process of change through hundreds of tiny alterations, all of which are tailored by inspiration itself. Slowly, the new sound begins to take shape, steadily introducing new characteristics until it is time to blossom. And that time has arrived, as electronic music tastemaker Estiva proudly presents the next evolutionary step of his signature sound in a new, full-fledged album: ‘Metamorphoses’.
Featuring no less than thirteen masterpieces that delve into the deeper side of the dance music spectrum, ‘Metamorphoses’ transcends both genres and expectations as it focuses heavily on creative freedom. Tried and tested on tour at some of the biggest stages in the world, each of the tracks shows the evolution of the Dutchman’s signature sound, as well as the time, effort and care he put into planting the seed and cultivating the land. And now, it’s time for him to reap the benefits. ‘Metamorphoses’ has taken on its final form and may just play a seminal role in reshaping the dance music realm of today.
When asked about the album and its title, Estiva explained: “‘Metamorphoses’ is about ongoing change and the process of maturing. The title is inspired by the namesake classic book of the Roman poet Ovid, who writes that ‘all things flow, all things are born to change their shapes’. I’m seeing this everywhere, both in the natural world around me as well as on a personal and creative level. Nothing stays the same, everything is always changing. This album is the result of that growing insight, and a new step in my ongoing artistic development.”
Apart from illustrating Estiva’s growth as an artist and creator, ‘Metamorphoses’ also shows that Estiva can’t be pigeonholed. The album tracks juggle hints of melodic techno, progressive, trance and electronica, blending the genres that oftentimes are still too separate from each other. “I’m hoping the album will function as a bridge between worlds for others as well.”