Your Name: Amos & Riot Night
Your location(country,city): Liverpool, United Kingdom
Dimitri: Can you mention your biggest music career achievements in 2017?
Amos & Riot Night: Without a doubt, would have to be having our single 'Parallel Worlds' played on BBC Radio 1 by Will Atkinson! It's very nice having support from many other big players in the scene, but never in a million years did we think our music would be aired on the UK's, if not the world's number one music station! Plus seeing that track being played at a lot of gigs is just simply mindblowing!
1) Best Track from other artists:
If it had to be one, it would easily be Activa - Luminosity. What a comeback and for a sound that me & Paul really missed!
Others that we've really enjoyed this year:
Sean Tyas & Darren Porter - The Potion
Mike van Fabio & Alex van ReeVe - Skyliner (Mike Sanders Remix)
DT8 Project - Destination (James Dymond Remix)
Sneijder & Nick Callaghan - Absorb
Indecent Noise - Tech Noir
2) Your top 3 2017 personal productions
Amos & Riot Night - Parallel Worlds
Amos & Riot Night feat. Dee Dee - Edge of Love
Steve Dekay + Amos & Riot Night - Onslaught
3) Best Artist (Dj & producer):
Sean Tyas by far. Such an awesome dude and every time he plays or has a new release out, you know it's gonna be a biggie! Honourable mentions must also go to Nick Callaghan, Robbie Van Doe, Akira Kayosa, Hugh Tolland and Orla Feeney! All of the listed are bloody brilliant, both in the studio and behind the decks!
4) Best Remix from other artist:
That would easily have to be Chris Porter. His remix he'd done of Tilt & Maria Nayler's classic Angry Skies is one of those we can't stop and won't stop playing! Remember him sending some early demos of this over and knew from then it would be a big of a biggie!
5) Best Remix that you have produced?
If we're talking this year, then that would be our remix on AVA White for Arman Bahrami - Nova. So much fun to work on that remix!
6) Best Remixer:
Chris Porter
7) Best New Talent (Dj or producer):
Definitely keep an eye out for Destia! Had the pleasure of meeting him at Luminosity this year and for someone who's recently broken into the Trance scene, he's certainly come through with a bang! Full fire productions and a great dude to talk to as well! Our pal Asteroid is also one who we believe is gonna make some serious waves too!
8) Best Lyrics in an Electronic Music track (it can be your production or from other artists)
"Did you ever feel the edge of love?". Taken from our single with legendary Trance vocalist Dee Dee! So much fun working on that, plus we've got another one coming up with Dee Dee too in the new year ;) Other than our own works: "I'm surrendering to the power of a brand new day". Would have to say the best vocal of this year for sure by Aly & Fila and Sue McLaren.
9) Best Vocalist/Singer featured on Electronic Music track:
There's some reeeally good ones out there, some of whom, I've become really good friends with lately! So if I had to name a few; Dee Dee (who of course we worked on with Edge of Love). Otherwise, Sue McLaren, Ana Criado, Marjan, Jess Morgan and Claire Willis.
10) Best Electronic Music Label:
Beyond Belief of course ;). Otherwise, FSOE (including all sublabels), Degenerate, Afterdark, GO Music, Titan.
11) Best Electronic Music Video:
Not really seen any this year tbf.
12) Best Online Social media for communication with your fans:
Twitter for sure. So much more direct!
13) Best Twitter or Facebook message or Instagram message you received from a fan or friend or you have read on someone else’s account:
Can't think of one specifically, but had quite a few messaging us about 'Parallel Worlds', saying it's the best thing we've done yet! Gotta really step up the game now :O
14) Best music composition software:
Both me & Paul use Cubase, although I use Ableton and Paul's just about getting into it as well ;).
15) Best Club Event or Open Air Festival:
Luminosity Beach Festival by a landslide! Both myself & Paul were in attendance at this year's festival and we had an absolute blast there!
16) Best personal Dj Gig:
At the time of writing this interview, that would be our gig for the Connect Ibiza crew playing the closing set after Andy Moor! So much fun playing that day :D
17) Best Dj set of the year from other fellow Dj:
Activa & Jon O'Bir open to close in Glasgow by a landslide. Just tune after tune! One for the history books and can't stop playing that set to this day!
18) Best country that you have played in 2017 and where did you met the best festival/event crowd:
Only played in UK and Spain this year. The gigs we played in Liverpool and Ibiza really stick out as highlights for us in our career as a duo and the crowds at all the gigs we played at were something else!
19) Best Radio show or Artist Vlog?:
Degenerate Radio
20) Best Radio station:
21) Best Online Record shop that you purchase your music:
22) Best Smart phone or smart phone application:
I (Dave) am an iPhone fanboy through and through (admittedly). Paul's all about Samsung himself.
23) Best new sound or sample that has been used in Electronic Music this year perhaps introduced first by you?
Erm, the lead from 'Parallel Worlds' probably, as we'd designed them ourselves :P
24) Best holiday destination for 2017 either to relax or to perform in a club or festival:
Oooh erm, I'd gone to Toronto for 3 weeks this summer and that was really cool! Met some really amazing people out over there! Plus myself & Paul had a fun time in Ibiza too :D
25) Best Movie of the year that may inspire you to compose a track:
Dunkirk. Anything Hans Zimmer has his hands on, he just adds his midas touch, especially if it's Chris Nolan directing!
26) Best online/PC/video game of the year that you have played this year?
Don't really game much tbf.
27) The saddest electronic music news you heard this year and still makes u cry:
Robert Miles' passing was absolutely tragic.
Dimitri: Finally, please tell our readers your plans with your future releases, tracks, albums, collaborations, Dj gigs.
Amos & Riot Night: Erm, some new bits solo from me (David) and a few dual singles as Amos & Riot Night. Lined up a few collabs with some awesome producers and vocalists! Can't reveal too much now, but looking forward to kick off 2018 with a bang!
Amos & Riot Night: Big thanks to Dimitri for inviting us on board for this!
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