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Feature: Richard Durand - In Search Of Sunrise 10 Contest, You Could Be Mixing an ISOS Disc

'In Search of Sunrise' hits its big 10th edition this year and following Tiësto's handing-over-of-the-reigns, Richard Durand is now lining up his third outing. With '10' ringing in our ears, we sensed something special might be on the cards, so we put a call in to R.D. to get the inside track on his plans. As it turned out, we got a whole lot more of it than we bargained for...

Richard spills all: "as one of the most beloved trance mix-comp series of all time, taking on 'In Search of Sunrise' was a huge responsibility for me. Moreover though it's been enormously enjoyable and rewarding; one of the best things to happen in my career. I really wanted to commemorate its 10th release in a way that would pay proper dues to its history. It's an incredible feeling being the series' compiler/mixer - an experience I'd like each and every person out there to have. That's never going to be possible of course, but when Black Hole suggested an ISOS all-time classics disc, as part of the 10th release, I did spot a way in which I could make it happen for at least one other DJ".

What Richard's come up with is nothing short of spectacular, and even that might be underselling it! He is giving one ISOS-loving über-spinner the opportunity to mix... an In Search of Sunrise disc! This ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, is the stuff of ultimate wish fulfilment, daydreams-come-true, passports to future possibilities + more! One person out there will get to follow where only Tiësto and Richard have stepped before!

If you fancy the sound of it, here's what you need to do. Gather together your favourite tracks from ISOS' 1- 9 (that gives you close to 200 weapons to choose from) and work them into your perfect, immaculate In Search Of Sunrise. You have until the 9th of May to plan and produce it, so no time for wasting!

Head to Beatport to check the tracks

Richard and Black Hole will be taking on the doubtless marathon task of listening to all the submitted mixes that fall within the rules of the contest (details below and right - play close attention!). They'll be on the lookout for someone with the track selection, intuition and mixing skills required to capture the supreme essence of an ISOS disc.

The winner's mix will feature as the third disc of 'In Search Of Sunrise 10: Australia'. Your name will go up in lights (and will be on the cover!) and you'll become the toast of each and every one of your trance loving buddies... forever!

Perhaps best of all though you'll have left your own indelible mark on trance compilation history… and that's an unbeatable, unrepeatable proposition.

The Regulations:

01. Mixes must be submitted on or before the 9th of May 2012. Any mixes received after that date will not be admissible to the contest and therefore not judged.

02. Every entry must be submitted with a full numbered tracklist featuring the artists, titles and remix names as a Word document. Entries that do not include this will not qualify for entry.

03. As Eminem said: "you only get one shot!" The competition is strictly one entry per person. We are after your one absolute best mix. Not multiple 'they may like this/they may like that', entries'.

04. When you submit you need to include your REAL name and your DJ name, your e-mail address, postal address and mobile number (including country dialing code) in another Word .doc. The winner's identity will be thoroughly checked and if they are found to have used a pseudonym, they'll be disqualified. Don't risk it!

05. Submit your mix by weTransfer.com as a 320kbps MP3 file and send to
isos10@blackholerecordings.com. Again entries via other upload sites will not be downloaded/counted.

06. Only the remix of the track that was used on an actual ISOS album can be utilized in your mix. If in doubt check the tracklists on Beatport here and here

07. Black Hole are looking for a mix with a maximum of 15 tracks and running no more than 78 minutes.

08. You are free to use any mixing tools available to you.

09. No discussions will be entered into regarding the final result.

10. The winner will be announced in mid May.

11. Best of luck to you!

Additional info:
and Hyves.
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