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Best of 2022 Interview with PNDMC


Once in a while special times can bring up positive things. So happened to Björn Mandry & Marco P. from Germany who have known each other for decades, both working in the music business ever since. But there has never been an opportunity for a joint venture project, until now: PNDMC is born.

Dimitris: Your Top 3 biggest music career achievements in 2022:

PNDMC: Move to Blufin, Beatport chart entries,

Best of 2022

1) Best track(s) and short comment for each track from other fellow artists of 2022

PNDMC: D-Nox & Beckers - Reception, Anna - Cosmovision, Kevin de Vries - Dance with me

2) Best of 2022 personal productions with short comment about them:

PNDMC:  PNDMC - Incidence, PNDMC - Late Night

3) Best Artist of 2022(DJ & producer) with short comment:

PNDMC:  D-Nox, Criss Source, Kevin de Vries

4) Best Remix(es) from other fellow artists of 2022 with short comment :

PNDMC: Criss Source - Incidence Remix

5) YOUR Best Remix which you have produced of 2022 with short comment?

PNDMC:  Boss Axis - Another Ride PNDMC Remix

6) Best Remixer(s) of 2022 with short comment:

PNDMC: Criss Source, D-Nox, Eric Prydz

7) Best electronic dance music label of 2022 with short comment:

PNDMC:  Afterlife

8) Best social media response you may have received about your music or your DJ performance of 2022:

PNDMC: Club Videos from D-Nox and Frank Sonic played our music and shared them on instagram

9) Best music composition software of 2022 with short comment:

PNDMC: Ableton Live 11

10)Best club event /festival/music conference of 2022 with short comment:

PNDMC: Awakenings

11) Your Best personal DJ Gig & DJ performance of 2022 with short comment:

PNDMC: Silq - Duesseldorf

12) Best DJ set from other fellow DJ (actual or online) of 2022 with short comment:

PNDMC: Tale of us

13) Best radio show/podcast/twitch stream or Vlog(video blog) of 2022 with short comment. It can be yours or from other artists you respect:

PNDMC: Eelke Kleijn - Days like nights, Selador Sessions

14) Best aftermovie for festival or club event of 2022

PNDMC: Tomorrowland

15) Best music related website of 2022 with short comment:

PNDMC: Groove Magazin

16) Best production or DJ equipment (a)software & (b) hardware) of 2022 with short comment:

PNDMC: U-He Diva - best Software Synth, RME Audio Babyface Pro FS - best Audio Interface

17) Best technical tips that you learnt of 2022 in relation to your DJing or music productions:

PNDMC:  Gain staging

18) Best piece of personal or music business' advice you got in relation to your career of 2022 and has helped you to progress even further:

PNDMC: Always stay tuned

19) Best ever electronic dance music track(s) of all times with short comment?

PNDMC: DJ Rolando - Night of the Jaguar, Energy 52 - Cafe del mar

20) From 1 (bad) to 10(super excellent) what is your rate for 2022 in electronic dance music?


Dimitris: In which TV series, film or advert would you like to experience your track being used? Which track was the best placed on films/TV series/advert/official aftermovie of a festival from another artist?

PNDMC:  Stranger Things

Dimitris: During 2022 we experienced many tracks that were hybrids of music styles & genres. Do believe that music genres or styles are still relevant today?

PNDMC: There are too many genres

Dimitris: Your message & wishes for 2023.

PNDMC:  Stay healthy

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