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REVIEW: Rub!k - Colour Theory out on Armada Captivating

Overall Score

Going full throttle right off the bat, Rub!k's 'Colour Theory' sure makes demolishing clubs a whole lot easier. Armed with a pulsating bassline, powerful kick drums and colossal synths, this brand-new Armada Captivating release is a burst of sonic magic best witnessed live.

Dimitri Kechagias review:
Beat and Rhythm10
Basslines and Groove10
Melody 10
Synths 10
Heavenly Vocals10
Climax / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment10
Intensity, Drive and Energy10
Sound-design and Arrangement10
Overall Atmosphere10
Goosebumps / Shivers moments10
Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments10
Originality and Inventiveness10
Dancefloor Efficiency / Festival Arenas Effectiveness10
You can’t get this memorable track out of your head10
It has potential to become an anthem or a classic10
Rub!k - Colour Theory10


Rub!k returns on Armada Captivating with the massive Colour Theory. The track is powerful to the bone rough and ready mainstage big room trancer with thumping basslines, punchy drums, sharp and thunderous kicks, swirling synths and great breakdown with blissful atmosphere including emotional synthy plucks, heavenly female voices and great warm strings followed by rave style warped synthy hook that explodes out of any proportions radiating incredible amounts of energy. The climax goes for that full on uplifting sound full of vigour, stamina and adrenaline to the maximum. #PureGold Love It
Overall Score

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