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ADE 2017: The 2017 ADE app is here!

The Woov ADE special is the ultimate way to help you get the most out of the extensive festival and conference program.

Navigating the vast ADE program with over 1000 events taking place at more than 160 venues has proven to be a challenge for many people. This year we have teamed up with Woov to create the ultimate digital festival experience that pro-actively helps you get the most out of the festival. 

Together with Plot Projects, they will help us make your festival experience more context-aware with valuable tips shared via location-based notifications.

Interactive map
Woov features an interactive map of Amsterdam that gives you real-time insights into what is going on during ADE. See where your friends are partying, or at which venue your favourite artist is performing. If you’re visiting the conference, you can easily compose your personal program out of the more than 250 keynotes, panels and workshops.

Explore more with location-based tips
To receive suggestions, simply add your friends and favourite artists and Woov will give you suggestions for events you just can’t afford to miss. Want to be able to discover underground events and pop-up locations? The app will give you a heads-up if you are in the proximity of any of these parties. And if you’re open to meeting new people, it will show you who else is going to the parties you are attending. Along with that, we will send you a notification on location about badge collection points and real-time tips about any emergency information. 

You can now download the ADE special on Woov here.