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EVENT NEWS: Gatecrasher 23rd birthday,15 October 2016 in Sheffield

Gatecrasher 23rd birthday- gc23.led
Be part of the light show

Gatecrasher we have teamed up with XYLO LED wristband as seen at Coldplay. Glastonbury www.xylobands.com so YOU can be part of the light show!!

Truly wondrous wearable tech that creates a stunning light show. Xylobands were invented specifically to connect with the audience, creating unforgettable and visually stunning show. Our wristbands can be integrated offering a full RGB spectrum of colours, patterns and effects – flashing in time with the music and reflect the mood of the event. Everyone wearing a wristband becomes an essential part of the show.

Special Loyalty offer for a very limited period only. 
FOR THE NEXT 5 DAYS THE £20 Early Birds will include a XLYO LED wristband free of charge. The first 100 - VIP Early £30.00 Birds will include a XLYO LED wristband free of charge. 
£15.00 no wrist band

LED wrist bands are available separately to the ticket online at £6.00

The glowing line up:
Gatecrasher REBOOTED Arena
Paul Oakenfold (Flouro Set)
Sean Tyas
Alex M.o.r.p.h
Scott Bond
James Alexander
Special Guest - Magnus

23 years of Gatecrasher Arena
Paul Oakenfold 23 years of gatecrasher set
Judge Jules 1998-2000 set
Scott Bond & Matt Hardwick B2B 3 Hrs
Guy Ornadel
Riley & Durrant

Tickets here via skiddle

15/10/2016 at Area Sheffield
1 Burgess street, S1 2HF Sheffield from 21.00 till 06.00

Additional info: