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REVIEW: Cosmo - Beat Bang out on S2 records / Sirup Music

Russia's very talented dj and producer Cosmo is back with his new smasher Beat Bang.

After getting support by lot of famous djs with his last relases on S2 Records Renaissance & Turn It Up he rocks now again with new stuff. Lets loose ourselves in the infinite cosmos by listening to this inspirational song.

Keep one eye on Cosmo. 

Dimitri Kechagias review: The top progressive house record label S2 part of Sirup records is back with the huge anthem Beat Bang. Energetic prime time full on cranking progressive house smasher ready to do the bussiness and cause mayhem on the huge summer festivals. The arrangement is solid and ready for action with pumping kicks, pulsating basslines and superb breakdown with huge distorted electric guitar riff that is very rough and dangerous to the maximum. The drop is rocking and super solid with distorted rough bassline and tough kick to drive the crowds to perfect madness. The main breakdown is long and teasing with variety of synthy plucks repeating again and again the same addictive melody until the massive electric guitar to appear once again and then the intense sweating electro inspired drop comes in that will keep the clubbers jumping and wanting more and more of the same! This Beat Bangs no doubt about it! Love iT

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