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Progressive Review: Paul Thomas & Christian Burns - Enjoy The Silence out on Black Hole Recordings


There’s been ‘Hero’s by the dozen, any number of ‘Angels’, likely hundreds of ‘Forevers’ and ‘Tonights’ … but when it comes to song titles, ‘Enjoy The Silence’ stands alone.

Even before you’ve laid eyes on its artwork, likely you already had an excellent idea of what’s incoming (so good in fact that we won’t even mention the original artists behind it!) Suffice to say it’s a shared love of the group that’s brought Paul Thomas and Christian’s Burns together to re-envision ‘Enjoy The Silence’.

Production-wise, Paul’s brilliantly modded the original’s mode, turning its richly lamenting atmospheres into something more transcendentally blissed out and (dare we say!) sunset kissed. Underpinned by prog chug, the UV boss has married trickling melodies, rippling bass and melting harmonies to the echoing FX that hangs omnipresent in its midrange.

Tracking that tone, Christian’s delivery is nebulous, lingering and gloriously heat-hazed. Re-exploring the original's complexity, he ensures that each emotion conveyed is fleeting, with no one feeling lingering beyond a single lyrical line.

As its song says though, “words are very unnecessary” … so simply ‘Enjoy The Silence’.

01: Paul Thomas & Christian Burns - Enjoy The Silence (Original Mix)
02: Paul Thomas & Christian Burns - Enjoy The Silence (Extended Mix)

Dimitris Kechagias Review:
[review top="1"]
[item value="10"]Paul Thomas & Christian Burns - Enjoy The Silence [/item]
[content title="Summary" label="Overall Score"]Paul Thomas and the beloved singer Christian Burns unite their extreme forces to deliver the superb Enjoy The Silence. It is an imaginative progressive version perfect for melodic house or progressive trance sets. Blissful atmosphere with bubbly basslines, chunky grooves, crunchy drums and wide variety of dreamy synthy plucks along with Christian Burns vocals that are used more than as an instrument in the track rather than being the coherent sing a long vocals. The well known synthy riff of the original Depeche Mode track is recreated in a very spacious deep subliminal way and definitely not very obvious as many were expecting to include to raise its peak time potential. Instead Paul and Christian move in a deeper esoteric balearic direction and manage extremely well to provide their own unique version that will turn some heads. It's always a pleasure to get remakes like this one. #PureGolf Love IT [/content]
[item value="10"]Beat and Rhythm[/item]
[item value="10"]Basslines and Groove[/item]
[item value="10"] Melody [/item]
[item value="10"] Synths [/item]
[item value="10"]Breakdown[/item]
[item value="10"]Climax / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment[/item]
[item value="10"]Intensity, Drive and Energy[/item]
[item value="10"]Sound-design and Arrangement[/item]
[item value="10"]Overall Atmosphere[/item]
[item value="10"]Goosebumps / Shivers moments[/item]
[item value="10"]Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments[/item]
[item value="10"]Originality and Inventiveness[/item]
[item value="10"]Radio Friendly[/item]
[item value="10"]Vocals & lyrics[/item]
[item value="10"]You can’t get this memorable track out of your head[/item]
[item value="10"]It has potential to become an anthem or a classic[/item]

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