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Interview with Amir Farhoodi & Saleh about their track Movement Started included on Dark Summer 2024 EP out via UV Noir

Amir Farhoudi and Saleh are two artists of Persian State, IRAN, after making music in the trance and electronic style, they decided to change their genre and now they have good success in the styles of progressive house - melodic techno and house - and organic house. obtained Cooperation with powerful labels such as UV NOIR, UNIVACK. JOOF Etc.

Their goal in making music is to create a feeling and path that others did not experience or not making, in fact they produce music with soul, unique signature and depth from heart ! 

Their latest track Movement Started is included on the UV Noir Dark Summer 2024 EP along with many other stellar artists. It sounds the perfect occasion to have a nice interview with them and find more about these always groundbreaking artists. 

Download/Stream Dark Summer 2024: https://UV.lnk.to/darksummer2024

1-Dimitris: It would be nice to start by telling us your 3 most important achievements or goals fulfilled in your career so far that you very are proud of.

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Well, it is a difficult question! It depends a lot on where you live. In the current situation and according to the domestic policies of our country, we only try to create good music. This is very important and at the height of the limitation of creating great works of art, it is extremely difficult.

Maybe if our place of residence was in the middle of Europe, we would have our own stage and everything would be different!

Our biggest achievement is that we are always in the top lists in this situation and we hope it gets better day by day. New contacts, better feelings and different artistic experiences.

We believe that the best music should always be presented.

The combination of oriental instruments and its combination with modern music is always visible in our music.

We are also very happy that we are always supported by the audience

2-Dimitris: Why and under which circumstances did you took the decision to start DJing or producing electronic dance music?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Basically, people who are strong listeners always like to create better works and maybe new ideas in addition to listening and the good feeling they get from listening to music. For this reason, we started making many years ago and we prefer to start new works without comparing our works with others.

3-Dimitris: Can you note down the top 3 producers that have influenced your decision to get involved in the electronic dance music scene and you admire and respect them very much?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Sure ! Robert Miles, Envio, Above & Beyond

4-Dimitris: Can you tell us the top 3 tracks from the past that have influenced your sound the most and why?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Yeah ! Envio - Touched by the Sun ( is my first official remix for Armada )

Above & Beyond " Tri-State Album " Sensorica " The Artifact " In my opinion, this single and these two albums are and will be musical masterpieces. Of course, this is entirely a matter of taste. But we like the style of creating sounds and storytelling.

5-Dimitris: It would be fantastic to talk about your latest release Movement Started out on UV Noir. Please tell us how this track came about and what was the idea behind it.

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Sure, Movement Started, space between melodic techno & progressive house, we created this solid production for some reasons, We always have many criticisms of the repetitive state of the existing market. We preferred to create a special signature between an advanced progressive music and a pure melodic one. Almost all elements are special. The quality of the story and the background atmosphere all indicate that you will hear a wonderful music :) Regardless of the repetition and similarities of these days of music....

6-Dimitris: How long it took you to produce it and can u describe the production process in simple steps?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: 3 month, making ideas, making sounds, mixing ideas, finishing our stories...

7-Dimitris: Did you had any particular difficulties accomplishing that particular track or any specific technical challenges or obstacles that you had to overcome during its production.

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: No, basically, because our main work is ghost productions and every year we make music for many artist in big labels, events etc. there is no challenge for us. Making music in different styles and signatures is part of our soul and we definitely know this path carefully

8-Dimitris: If you would have the opportunity to change something in your track and maybe to do a new remix what elements are you unhappy with and you are going to change? Is there any artist that you feel would be fantastic to remix this track and why?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Well, this question is extremely difficult. Because we just released this music and any criticism from our side can have a negative effect on the audience. But my suggestion is definitely Ziger. He is really extraordinary. we really like him in power of productions !

9- Dimitris: Which music composition software or hardware you prefer and why? What is your opinion of the latest movement to produce music with more analogue equipment and with less or without any digital software?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: We work with FL Studio and Live. This question is very general. Music is a spiritual need and it is your duty to make it more ideal with your own methods.

It doesn't really matter what the hardware and software are.

10-Dimitris: Do you prefer vocal or instrumental tracks? If there are vocals on the track we discuss about tell us about the singer you work with?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: It depends on the song. We prefer to work with special sounds like Nadia Ali, but in this last music we used short sounds just for more excitement.

11-Dimitris: Are there any vocalists/singers on electronic dance music you aspire to work with?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: 100 ٪ Nadia Ali, Kirsty Hawkshaw

12-Dimitris: Do you believe that artwork on your latest track is good and do you believe that artwork can attract listeners or record buyers? Can you mention the best artwork of a track ever released?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Yes, in today's world where images represent many elements, it is definitely effective. Of course, we must consider that these images will not guarantee the quality of the song! we really love our 3 latest relase Artworks by UNIVACK, UV NOIR & SKYTOP

13-Dimitris: Can you pick your favorite top 3 record labels including the one released the track that we discuss in this interview and give us a short comment about why these labels are important to you and the music scene too?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: We really like UNIVACK | UV NOIR | Rose Avenue. In these 3 labels, the music speaks to the audience and this is respectable. Regarding UV, we definitely like tracks of this label and it has a very powerful team with a good signature ! 

14-Dimitris: Do you have your own record label? if yes tell us when did you set it up, the reasons behind this decision and your top 3 releases on the label so far plus 2 or 3 releases that we should look after from your label.

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Yes, we started a label. Touch Music. We tried hard to be successful in promotion, but due to the restrictions of our country and sanctions, we could not continue it. Basically, when you don't have the possibility to compete in an equal space, you will basically fail! That's why we had to stop it after one release, so that maybe we can replace it with a new path in the future. Because it's very sad that you spend a lot of time and create a good music, but without having a good mafia and strong relationships, everything is without results. is so sad but reality ! music without mafia games is so harder for up & jump to more place ! 

15-Dimitris: Are you planning to complete an album or mix compilation soon? if yes please give us all the details about regarding tracks and how will look and sound like? 

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Yes, in the future program, we will have an organic house and progressive album, as well as a power ambient super album. It may take 3 years to finish all 3 albums, but the result will definitely be heard many times Staying in music is the most beautiful feeling after the completion of the production.

16-Dimitris: Can you pick up your all time favorite album or compilation and tell us why you adore it so much?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: The answer to this question is difficult. We listen to many albums in many styles and maybe there are too many of them. All of them are excellent and it is really impossible to choose a special one among them at the moment

17-Dimitris:How much time do you spend promoting yourself in your social media and you see this as essential tool for self promotion and getting bookings too? Which social media is the one that seems to work better for you?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Unfortunately, we cannot do this at all! We are banned and because of the government's stupid policies, like other artists, we can't easily advertise on Spotify, YouTube and other networks. This gives a hard blow to the principles of our work, but for now there is no better way to leave Iran! In other words, advertising companies are very selfish and racist in this field, and this is unfortunate...

18-Dimitris: Do you have your own radio show/podcast/twitch stream or Vlog(video blog)? If yes please give us a comment about it and how long it take you to prepare for it and if you are always excited to produce it?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: We have little time for radio mixes and podcasts. Because we are either creating for others or for ourselves:)) we have a hard time listening to new music. We don't miss anything because everyone is the same :P But we have a unique podcast that we make a one-hour mix whenever possible. " Progressive Soul " I can bring the mix to the final stage in almost 3 days. Choosing music, mixing and making an attractive sample

19-Do you post videos on tiktok? If yes please reference for us your favourite? What is your opinion about the power of tiktok to promote music releases?Is there any tiktok video created by fans of you with your music worth mentioning?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Unfortunately, we can't check this platform and we don't have an official account on it because of the restrictions and we don't think much about it!

In our opinion, it is very funny to tell a work of art in one minute. Music means stories and not personal vlogs without content

20-Dimitris: Do you have any gigs/festival performances confirmed so far for 2024 in which ones are you most excited to perform and why?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: According to the explanation above, we don't think about it at the moment!

21-Dimitris: Please share your most funny and most serious incident that happen to you during your DJ or LIVE PA performance?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Unfortunately, we were arrested in an underground performance: in our own country and all our device were confiscated! Of course, this was many years ago, but apparently we were not the target of the police at all! They were looking for two fraudsters in our event, and we were a bit unlucky:

22-Dimitris: Are you happy about the quality of the tracks released in your preferred music genres? Please justify your answer with your opinion about it!

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Unfortunately no. Music doesn't just need quality, it also needs new stories, and these days, the more exclusive you make music, the less the labels pay attention, because they don't care if you have a signature. They are looking for their contacts and nothing more! they scare of new ideas and new signatures ! 

They are ready to produce repetitive music for years, certain labels that work only with some closed artists..! A professional commercial game with the lowest quality!

23-Your current Top 3 tracks with short comment:

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Shemroon " so hot " Yazd " So organic " Movemenet Started " So Solid "

24-Dimitris: If you expect to have a steady income from your music productions are you satisfied with the way that royalties system works particularly regarding streaming revenue? Do you believe that artists get what they deserve from streaming providers/DJs playing your tracks in gigs/radio and selling music in physical formats like CDs/Vinyl or digitally. 

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: No, unfortunately, it is a bitter reality that artists are victims of the commercial game of companies in many cases. For example, it is enough to see the weak works that are listed in Spotify and find the list and playlist mafia behind the curtain.

Until you realize that the cruelty that Spotify does to artists is unlimited...

25-Dimitris: Please note for all the new talents that read this interview to get some inspiration from you any technical tips in relation to your DJing or music productions. Also any piece of personal or music business' advice that has helped you to progress even further and is worth telling to the new upcoming talents. 

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Always try to think of ways to generate income in addition to personal artistic productions. Otherwise you will be forced to leave the scene. Have your own signature and know that the world doesn't need thousands of similar composers. The winners are always the people who have different insights.

26-Dimitris: Many producers and DJs offer online masterclasses or teach to music production & DJing courses. Do you believe is essential to take part in any of these courses to develop your skills? Are you are offering any of these services? or other related services like ghost-producing or mastering? please tell us about these activities 

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: We do not need these classes. In many of these classes, very important points are not mentioned and we have seen many times that people complained about them. And there are many negative comments.

If we are honest, For example, many of these classes are routes that deceive new people with false slogans.

They themselves have a lot of weaknesses, but their motto is to teach others!

They even charge you for posting comments, and I think this is a disaster!

27-Dimitris: Is there a club classic that you would like to remix or rework in 2024? Do you attempt often to do your own bootlegs of classics?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Preferred make new stories ! 

28-Dimitris: How much do you care if your fans or followers like your productions? Do you struggle with the audience reception of your tracks and is this thought adds extra pressure on you and discourage you too? 

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Definitely, the more the audience enjoys, the better the feeling will be conveyed. Because it is sad when a music is produced and not received good vibes at this moment, destructive mental questions arise! whose answer is not really known...

29-Dimitris: Can you describe your music as certain music genre such as trance, house, techno or your music exempts these categorizations? What is your opinion about hybrid styles and artists who are attempting to mix influences from various genres in their tracks? 

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: We always make music in the desired framework, but we always try to make good combinations so that the audience can enjoy listening more.

30-Dimitris: Is your music business your full time occupation and are you able to make a leaving out of your music business (DJ/producer/label owner/teaching or mastering tracks)? If not what other jobs are you doing in order to support your income?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: It is so good question, we have our jewelry design & perfumes company beside music production and ghost productios. 

31-Dimitris: Do you believe that audience should be banned from constantly taking photos or videos during DJ sets or are you happy with these activities? 

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: No problem with this ! we need to full vibes from audience ! 

32-Dimitris: Do you prefer small clubs or huge festivals to perform? in which festivals or clubs you aspire to play in the future?

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: Zamna, Afterlife, Tomorroland, Keine Festival, Circle Music fes & melody of the soul festivals !

33-Please choose for us your favourite holiday destination and share with us your most unforgettable holiday experience(good/bad)

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: There are many places for holidays ! 

Dimitris: Your message & wishes for Flux Bpm Online readers.

Amir Farhoudi & Saleh: We wish you all happiness and energy! 

We have been following this site since the first day it was launched and we have always witnessed the development and support of this collection of artists

This is admirable.

Thanks so much to Amir & Saleh for their time to reply to this interview.

Thanks so much to Paul & Stuart at UV/FSOE  offices for organizing this interview.

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