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REVIEW: Starpicker & Denise Rivera - Can't Live Without You out on Molekular Sounds

Overall Score


Next up here on Molekular Sounds, It's a label debut for Starpicker who is joined by none other than Denise Rivera for 'Can't Live Without You'. Only one thing left to do...


Walls are crashing to the ground
The world I live in broken down
Nothing to hold on to
Not even the thought of you
Only fear
Without you near

How do I breathe again
How can I survive
How can I believe again
And keep my faith alive

Now that you’re gone
Don’t know how to miss you
When I can’t live without you

Now I’m alone
Tell me how do I miss you
When I can’t live without you
Can’t live without you

Dimitri Kechagias review:
Beat and Rhythm10
Basslines and Groove10
Melody 10
Synths 10
Climax / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment10
Intensity, Drive and Energy10
Sound-design and Arrangement10
Overall Atmosphere10
Goosebumps / Shivers moments10
Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments10
Originality and Inventiveness10
Radio Friendly10
Vocals & lyrics10
You can’t get this memorable track out of your head10
It has potential to become an anthem or a classic10
Starpicker & Denise Rivera - Can't Live Without You 10


Starpicker is a great talent with a lot of potential and in his first vocal trance production Can't Live Without You collaborates with the beloved Denise Rivera. The track is a wonderful journey of love and dedication with fantastic lyrics performed with so much class and elegance from the always exquisite Denise. Starpicker adds his energetic basslines, pounding drums, acid overtones and infectious balearic synths while in the breakdown he adds orchestral anthemic strings and hair raising synthy plucks to enhance Denise performance even more. The build up is intense and the drop is super uplifting with happy melody that serves as resolution to the heart cracking lyrics. Uplifting vocal trance at its best #PureGold Love iT
Overall Score