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REVIEW: M.I.K.E. Push - Oxygen Of The Soul out on FSOE


M.I.K.E. Push does it again with his next FSOE single 'Oxygen Of The Soul'. It's a piece written from the heart, filled with emotion and feels incredibly fresh! If you're looking for some nostalgia, we're sure you will love this one!

Find it here: https://fsoe.streamlink.to/oxygenofthesoul

Dimitri Kechagias review:
[review top="1"]
[item value="10"]Beat and Rhythm[/item]
[item value="10"]Basslines and Groove[/item]
[item value="10"] Melody [/item]
[item value="10"] Synths [/item]
[item value="10"]Breakdown[/item]
[item value="10"]Climax / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment[/item]
[item value="10"]Intensity, Drive and Energy[/item]
[item value="10"]Sound-design and Arrangement[/item]
[item value="10"]Overall Atmosphere[/item]
[item value="10"]Goosebumps / Shivers moments[/item]
[item value="10"]Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments[/item]
[item value="10"]Originality and Inventiveness[/item]
[item value="10"]Radio Friendly[/item]
[item value="10"]You can’t get this memorable track out of your head[/item]
[item value="10"]It has potential to become an anthem or a classic[/item]
[item value="10"] M.I.K.E. Push - Oxygen Of The Soul[/item]
[content title="Summary" label="Overall Score"]The beloved M.I.K.E. Push who is responsible for countless of projects, productions and remixes in his career reveals his brand new anthem Oxygen Of The Soul that is simply outstanding. The track moves on the classic path of his eternal classic PUSH tracks with pulsating basslines, pumping drums, tough kicks and most important his incredible industrial infused dark and sinister synths that he manages to turn them and twist them around and make them into anthemic themes of the highest quality. Production that shines and superb spoken vocal sample that add context and create the mental framework to interpret the track. Music is an oxygen of the soul and this soon to be considered as classic track proves this big time. #PureGold Love IT[/content]

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