MBX has been emerging as one of the bright stars in electronics dance music. His melodic and progressive vibes combine to create a unique sound that resonates with fans of both deep melodic and more progressive vibes with releases on RIDE Recordings, Elliptical Sun Melodies, OHM Music and AlterEgo to name a few.
Dimitris: Your biggest music career achievements in 2019:
MBX: There are have been a number of standout milestones in 2019. I would have to say playing Project AI in Dallas was right up there, and then also being able to open up for both Andrew Bayer and ATB in separate shows, and in front of thousands of people really made this year come full circle for me.
Dimitris: Please rate your online presence/visibility in 2019 from 0-10?Please elaborate with short comment.
MBX: I'd have to be honest and rate it a 5. I have been focusing so much on production, and prepping for shows that I haven't even posted much about my milestones. I really need to get that in check for 2020 haha.
1) Best track(s) and short comment for each track from other fellow artists in 2019
MBX: 1. PRAANA - Mojave is so clean and what a fun vibe! Always gets the dance floor going
2. OMAIR - Failsafe is a huge favorite of mine; OMAIR brings the heat on this one.
3. Approaching Black & Shingo Nakamura - I'm Still Breathing offers such ethereal vibes, it's hard not to put this one on repeat....so yeah, it's still on repeat haha.
2) Best of 2019 personal productions with short comment about them:
MBX: 1. Patience was release on Elliptical Sun Melodies a month ago. I'm super happy with how this one turned out, and the response has been amazing!
2. Cala Saona released on OHM Music and has such a fun beachy vibe to it, I really hope everyone will check this one out too. This came out in August.
3. Nusa Penida released on RIDE Recordings is a collab with my friends Wynnwood and Eastside. This one is in that chill burner vibe of a track, and has a lot of really fun elements and those feels we all love!
4. My remix of Danny Stephen & Astony's song Piccadilly came out in October. This one was interesting as it all came together in about 2 days start to finish. Also my first AlterEgo release!
3) Best Artist in 2019(DJ & producer) with short comment:
MBX: This is a tough one, but PRAANA is definitely on the top of the list for me. Their productions are the cleanest I have ever heard, and really intricate in the overall craft of their music.
4) Best Remix(es) from other fellow artists in 2019 with short comment :
MBX: Danilo Ercole & OMAIR feat. Bev Wild - In Dreams (Danilo Ercole's Alternative Mix) [OHM Music] is right up there. OMAIR and Danilo made such a wonderul song!
5) YOUR Best Remix which you have produced in 2019 with short comment?
MBX: Well I only had one remix this year which was Danny Stephen and Astony - Piccadilly (MBX Remix). I wrote and mixed this in two days to make a last minute deadline, so in that amount of time I think it came out well.
6) Best social media response you may have received about your music or your DJ performance in 2019:
MBX: After my set opening for ATB, I received a lot of positive notes from people who attended the show, which was really nice to see and hear.
7) Best music composition software in 2019 with short comment:
MBX: It's still Ableton for me. I do like Logic, but ableton takes the cake with the vocal comp software being Melodyne.
8)Best Club event /Festival/music conference in 2019 with short comment:
MBX: Miami Music Week takes the cake for me. It's an endless supply of amazing dance music within both small and large venues. I didn't go to Ultra in 2019, but I felt the more intimate venues offered what I was looking for.
9) Your Best personal DJ Gig & DJ performance in 2019 with short comment:
MBX: My opening for ATB just a few weeks ago was hands down my best performance this year. The prep time certainly paid off. Opening for Andrew Bayer was easily a close 2nd, but my overall set at the ATB show had a lot of positive feedback from the Boston crowd.
10) Best DJ set from other fellow DJ in 2019 with short comment:
MBX: I would have to say Jody Wisternoff & James Grant at the Gorge Weekender 100%
11) Best music related website in 2019 with short comment:
MBX: Besides Flux BPM, I enjoy EDM Identity as well.
12) Best production or DJ equipment (a)software & (b) hardware) in 2019 with short comment:
MBX: Diva and nearly any UAD plugin.
13) Best sound sample that has been used frequently in electronic dance music tracks in 2019 (personal or from other artists):
MBX: That's tough, every song needs it's own sound and samples, so I can't really say that one has been in use more than others.
14) Best technical tips that you learnt in 2019 in relation to your DJing or music productions:
MBX: TrackSpacer has been my new favorite plugin to help create cleaner mixes. Also Diva has been a go to soft synth these days...it's so warm.
15) Best piece of personal or music bussiness advice you got in relation to your career in 2019 and has helped you to progress even further:
MBX: Nothing will ever be perfect, especially art. Art is defined as such because of it's imperfections.
16) Best travel tips in 2019 to survive the long travelling hours and jetlag:
MBX: Download the Uplift App. This will offer your solution to jetlag!
17) Best ever electronic dance music track(s) of all times with short comment?
MBX: Bedrock - Heaven's Scent is my all time favorite. John Digweed was way ahead of his time when he wrote this one.
18) Best hobby or creative activity except music production in 2019:
MBX: Definitely when I have time, I love to ski, play tennis, and search for the best coffee in the area.
Dimitris: Do you have any concrete plans for 2020 regarding future releases, tracks, albums, collaborations, DJ gigs? Please provide us the juicy details.
MBX: A lot is in the works. I am finishing up a collab for a remix which I can't really talk about right now, but I will say that I am confirmed to open up for Jason Ross in Boston on April 3rd at Royale, so I hope to see a lot of folks there that are in the area!
Dimitris: Your message & wishes for 2020.
MBX: I would like to wish the entire industry a wonderful 2020! I am sure it will be an amazing year for everyone!
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