Exolight is a Romanian trance producer & DJ, signed with FSOE, Subculture, Pure Trance, Always Alive, Amsterdam Trance, currently #77 in TrancePodium Best Trance producers in 2019.
Dimitris: Your biggest music career achievements in 2019:
Exolight: Probably my ADE and Untold festival gigs. But i also want to mention my releases on Subculture, Amsterdam Trance, Euphonic etc, and also the #77 award in Trancepodium Top 100 Trance DJs awards. This was a good year for sure. Probably the best!
Dimitris: Please rate your online presence/visibility in 2019 from 0-10?Please elaborate with short comment.
Exolight: 8/10 i think. I'm always trying to be active on social media or on the Internet in general, so the people can see my new music and find out about what's new with Exolight.
1) Best track(s) and short comment for each track from other fellow artists in 2019
Exolight: 1. "Richard Durand & Christina Novelli - Save You" - I think this is as good as "The Air I breathe". Impeccable production!
2. "Giuseppe Ottaviani - Panama" - This and many other GO productions in 2019 are top tracks. Giuseppe is one of the best trance producers right now.
3. "Starpicker - Elated" - Amazing track from the fresh Romanian talent.
2) Best of 2019 personal productions with short comment about them:
Exolight: 1. "Suncatcher & Exolight - That Summer Afternoon" - This one was started 1 or 2 years ago. I love the summer vibe in it.
2. "Exolight - Ashes From The Past" - To be honest, i hated this one right after i finished it but i ended up loving it haha. The track was also featured on Dream Dance compilation which is a great achievement.
3. "Bryn Liedl - Forgotten Fields" (Suncatcher & Exolight remix) - I think this is a good remix from us and we're glad that the remix was voted as Future Favorite in ASOT and also featured in ASOT Best Future Favorite 2019 Album.
4. "Aurosonic & Ana Criado - Ask Me Anything (Suncatcher & Exolight remix)" - I've always wanted to work with Ana Criado's voice! She is my favorite trance vocalist.
3) Best Artist in 2019(DJ & producer) with short comment:
Exolight: Giuseppe Ottaviani for sure. He is on fire!
4) Best Remix(es) from other fellow artists in 2019 with short comment :
Exolight: Driftmoon - Please Don't Go (Suncatcher Remix) is one of my favorite tracks in 2019 - just WOW
5) YOUR Best Remix which you have produced in 2019 with short comment?
Exolight: "Aurosonic & Ana Criado - Ask Me Anything", with Suncatcher. I'm very happy that we did the remix because the original is one of our favorite tracks.
6) Best Remixer(s) for 2019 with short comment:
Exolight: Craig Connelly - I really love his work ever since he started producing.
7) Best New Talent in 2019 (DJ or producer) with short comment :
Exolight: He's not that new but he definitely deserves more attention: Starpicker!
8) Best electronic dance music album in 2019 with short comment:
Exolight: Many great albums were released this year but "Ahmed Romel - Ruya" is my choice.
9) Best electronic dance music compilation in 2019 with short comment? :
Exolight: Euphonic 300 because i'm part of the compilation haha
10) Best artwork about single / album/compilation or promotional campaign in 2019 with short comment:
Exolight: I love the new artwork on the Always Alive releases.
11) Best lyrics in electronic dance music track(s) in 2019 with short comment :
Exolight: I really don't pay that much attention on the lyrics so i don't have any favorite lyrics this year.
12) Best vocalist/singer on electronic dance music track in 2019 with short comment:
Exolight: "Richard Durand & Christina Novelli - Save You" is the best vocal in 2019 if you ask me.
13) Best electronic dance music label for 2019 with short comment:
Exolight: Anjunadeep - Simply love what they are releasing lately.
14) Best electronic dance music video for 2019 with short comment:
Exolight: I only saw one dance music video in 2019 but i won't mention it because i don't like it.
15) Best music composition software in 2019 with short comment:
Exolight: FL Studio because i'm still using it.
16)Best Club event /Festival/music conference in 2019 with short comment:
Exolight: "Luminosity Events pres. This is Trance, ADE" & "Untold Festival" for sure. I'm proud that I've had the chance to play at these massive events.
17) Your Best personal DJ Gig & DJ performance in 2019 with short comment:
Exolight: I can't decide between "Luminosity Events pres. This is Trance, ADE" & "Untold Festival". Plus some other GREAT parties in Bucharest, Timisoara & Sofia.
18) Best DJ set from other fellow DJ in 2019 with short comment:
Exolight: Factor B live @ Digital Sounds, Timisoara, Romania - Factor B defo knows how to entertain the crowd.
19) Best radio show/podcast or Vlog(video blog) in 2019 with short comment. It can be yours or from other artists you respect:
Exolight: Our radio show -> Suncatcher & Exolight - Critical Exposure Radio
20) Best piece of personal or music bussiness advice you got in relation to your career in 2019 and has helped you to progress even further:
Exolight: - Keep producing and release tracks periodically
- Talk with other producers and ask for feedback
- Always talk with your fans and be nice with them
- Use the social media in order to make yourself and your music popular
21) Best travel tips in 2019 to survive the long travelling hours and jetlag:
Exolight: I always listen to "In Search Of Sunrise" compilations (3,4,5) - great music for traveling. And i also play a game on my smartphone: Empires & Puzzles.
22) Best ever electronic dance music track(s) of all times with short comment?
Exolight: This is the hardest question.I will say the one that comes to my mind right now: L.S.G. - Netherworld (Oliver Prime Remix)
23) Best hobby or creative activity except music production in 2019:
Exolight: Cooking. I love food and i love making food!
Dimitris: Do you have any concrete plans for 2020 regarding future releases, tracks, albums, collaborations, DJ gigs? Please provide us the juicy details.
Exolight: Oh yeah! Many solo tracks and collabs with some great artists, new gigs and some other BIG news but i can't share right now!
Dimitris: Your message & wishes for 2020.
Exolight: Thank you all for the amazing support in 2019 and i cannot wait for 2020, to share with my fans all the new music and projects. Cheers!