Corrie Theron: I signed with Roger Shah for Magic Island 9 compilation.
I signed with Trance Allstars Records.
I won the "Push - No Borders" remix competition.
I mixed a compilation for Redux Recordings.
Started a monthly residency with Redux Spotlight (Radio mixes).
Played supporting line-up for:
-- RAM
-- Allen Watts
-- Protoculture
-- Pierre Pienaar
-- Roger Shah
-- Giuseppe Ottaviani
-- Ciaran McAuley
-- Arctic Moon
Dimitris: Please rate your online presence/visibility in 2019 from 0-10?Please elaborate with short comment.
Corrie Theron: 10
The first page on Google search has results only on me.
I have maintained regular Instagram presence as well as other platforms.
1) Best track(s) and short comment for each track from other fellow artists in 2019
Corrie Theron: Dirkie Coetzee - Tau
Dirkie has been working really hard, not only on productions, but hosting events in South Africa and building the Trance community locally.
2) Best of 2019 personal productions with short comment about them:
Corrie Theron: Tango - This is my proprietary sound and the emotion and melody is right from my dancing heart. Received great support.
Above the Clouds - Fell in love playing the melody and it works really well on the floor.
Restart - Love the darker melody and the energy.
In the Dark - this was my first solo release on Redux which was a milestone for me.
Smile - Included on Magic Island 9 - It's been my biggest dream to release on Magic Island.
3) Best Artist in 2019(DJ & producer) with short comment:
Corrie Theron: Ciaran McAuley stands out as both a producer and DJ. His music is so true and pure and speaks to the part of me that Loves Trance so much. He is extremely talented and definitely one to watch with amazing stuff coming up.
4) Best Remix(es) from other fellow artists in 2019 with short comment :
Corrie Theron: Sneijder did an Epic remix of "Stay" by Ben Gold and Sivan. One of my absolute favourites.
5) YOUR Best Remix which you have produced in 2019 with short comment?
Corrie Theron: Push - No Borders (Corrie Theron Remix) - Put so much work into this production and the result was awesome :)
6) Best Remixer(s) for 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: Giuseppe Ottaviani did a great job on "Games" for Ruben de Ronde
7) Best New Talent in 2019 (DJ or producer) with short comment :
Corrie Theron: Leroy Moreno - He has done really well and has a very cool take on uplifting.
8) Best electronic dance music album in 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: This is a difficult one to choose only one :)
Three stand out for me:
Cold Blue - Winter
Misja Helsloot - What the Helsloot.
Dirkie Coetzee - Reverie
9) Best electronic dance music compilation in 2019 with short comment? :
Corrie Theron: Magic Island 9 - It did fantastic in the US and contains some of my favourite progressive releases for 2019.
10) Best artwork about single / album/compilation or promotional campaign in 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: The new Nocturnal Animals label has very cool artwork.
11) Best lyrics in electronic dance music track(s) in 2019 with short comment :
Corrie Theron: Ciaran McAuley & Clare Stagg - All I Want. I cried when he played it in South Africa. Very powerful.
12) Best vocalist/singer on electronic dance music track in 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: Jase Thirlwall feat. Victoriya - Dust. Victoriya has the most beautiful vocal to ever grace Trance. She has a way of controlling her voice that is beyond beautiful. Would love to work with her someday.
13) Best electronic dance music label for 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: FSOE - They have been doing so much for the industry with great releases across their profile.
14) Best electronic dance music video for 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: Ciaran McAuley & Clare Stagg - All I Want. Very emotional just the way I like it.
15) Best online social media for 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: Facebook still provides the best way to stay in touch.
16) Best social media response you may have received about your music or your DJ performance in 2019:
Corrie Theron: We Are Trance featuring Roger Shah, Giuseppe Ottaviani and Pierre Pienaar received great feedback from lots of sources on Facebook. I received great feedback for my signing with Magic Island.
17) Best music composition software in 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: Ableton. Simple to use with the best workflow in my opinion.
18)Best Club event /Festival/music conference in 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: I's have to say Transmission looked amazing. I have to mention WeAreTrance with Roger Shah, Giuseppe Ottaviani and Pierre Pienaar locally as well.
19) Your Best personal DJ Gig & DJ performance in 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: WeAreTrance with Roger Shah, Giuseppe Ottaviani and Pierre Pienaar
Will be hard to top that event. It was absolutely mind blowing. The after Video looked great.
20) Best DJ set from other fellow DJ in 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: Ciaran McAuley played an amazing set in Johannesburg October 2019.
21) Best radio show/podcast or Vlog(video blog) in 2019 with short comment. It can be yours or from other artists you respect:
Corrie Theron: Artento Divini has an amazing weekly Radio Show. I really enjoy the content and structure.
22) Best review that you have read in 2019 about your tracks or for other artists tracks(please provide the link if this review is online):
Corrie Theron: The Magic Island 9 compilation with my track Smile, review was heart-warming
23) Best music related website in 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: I spend most of my time on Beatport.
24) Best production or DJ equipment (a)software & (b) hardware) in 2019 with short comment:
Corrie Theron: I love the Pioneer XDJ-RX for its portability, price and features. Record Box is also very cool to play on with a Pioneer controller.
25) Best sound sample that has been used frequently in electronic dance music tracks in 2019 (personal or from other artists):
Corrie Theron: Victoriya's Vocal sample pack is amazing, I use it often and hear it in lots of other productions.
26) Best technical tips that you learnt in 2019 in relation to your DJing or music productions:
Corrie Theron: I've always overcomplicated my workflow. Keeping things simple has improved my work 200%.
27) Best piece of personal or music bussiness advice you got in relation to your career in 2019 and has helped you to progress even further:
Corrie Theron: Surround yourself with people who have the same drive and passion and integrity as you.
28) Best travel tips in 2019 to survive the long travelling hours and jetlag:
Corrie Theron: I haven't travelled as much as I would love to, but will hopefully be doing that soon :)
29) Best ever electronic dance music track(s) of all times with short comment?
Corrie Theron: I hate this question. There is so much amazing stuff out there. The one track that does something to me that no other track does though, still is: Whiteroom - The Whiteroom. There is something inexplicable about that track that gives me euphoria like no other.
30) Best hobby or creative activity except music production in 2019:
Corrie Theron: I love building useful items with recycled wood and have also been building steel carports at home.
Dimitris: Do you have any concrete plans for 2020 regarding future releases, tracks, albums, collaborations, DJ gigs? Please provide us the juicy details.
Corrie Theron: I have 3 tracks lined up for release on Magic Island Elevate and will be working on an artist album from 2020. I am also working on my first vocal production. I will be playing with big internationals at the WeAreTrance gigs as well.
Dimitris: Your message & wishes for 2020.
Corrie Theron: My wish is that we will focus more on music, as it heals so much.
Thanks to Dirkie at We Are Trance for organising this interview.
Additional info:
Instagram: @corrietherontrance