Not bound to a single style of sound, but influenced by any form of electronic dance music, Marty 'N Rizzo enthusiastically continues to develop his skills and recently he created a first series of Trance releases.
Good examples are his recent works, like 'Khaleesi’, ‘Arrival’ ‘Red Moon’ and ‘Blockbuster’ which have pushed the energy bar beyond limits.
Next to working alone in his studio, Marty ‘N Rizzo grabbed several opportunities to co-produce music with some of the worlds finest. Working together with renowned artists like ilektrify, Yves-V, Manon Polare, J-Why and Seth Somni, he has delivered some of the most solid EDM tracks to date.
Marty 'N Rizzo developed a totally unique style in the EDM scene. Beautiful atmospheres, high energy rhythms, self written lyrics and crowd-stimulating melodies are the key ingredients which set his music and live performances apart from the rest.
Marty ‘N Rizzo is ready to exceed expectations!
His latest release Go with the wolf was released November 28th 2018 on Ninjutsu Music and we are very excited that he accepted our challenge to answer some questions about his latest release. All the way from Belgium please welcome him and stream his releases while you navigate his answers.
Check his beatport page here
Interview was written and conducted by
Dimitri Kechagias, Music Journalist & Radio host on 1mix radio.
Dimitris: When did you start your involvement with electronic dance music and which music style you are more affiliated with and why?
Marty 'N Rizzo: I started producing in 1996 and Hardcore was the genre it all started with. The heavy distorted kickdrums, fast tempo and 4/4 beats got me hooked to electronic dance music. Afterwards I started discovering all kinds of genres, but the ones that touches me the most are the genres with heavy bassdrums, catchy rhythms or beautiful melodies.
Dimitris: Did you had the opportunity to attend any kind of music production course or are u completely self taught? Do you consider that is essential for any artist to complete any production course?
Marty 'N Rizzo: I started working in USA Import Antwerp, a record store based in Antwerp city in 1996. At that time, it was all about (expensive) hardware. In the back they had a recording studio where M.I.K.E. Push was working. I had the golden opportunity to experiment with all that hardware and with the money I made with producing (and working), I bought myself my own homestudio. Basically I'm self taught, but I also got tips and tricks from colleagues like ilektrify (Q-ic), DJ Coone, DJ Promo, Bizzy Works, Jo Langie (Mutools), etc...
Dimitris: In which label was your first ever release and how did you manage to attract the attention of the label?
Marty 'N Rizzo: My very first release (on vinyl) was on Pharcyde Terror. I was 18 years old at that time. I produced a few Hardcore tracks at my house together with a close friend and with our demo on cassette, we went to USA Import. M.I.K.E. Push checked the demo and we got our first record deal. But the release I was most proud of was my first solo track 'Reign of fire', released on The Third Movement in 2003. That track made it to the famous Thunderdome compilation CD. Because I always want to challenge my creativity, I started producing other genres too.
Dimitris: Please pick for us your Top 5 tracks that you have produced and you consider them as being highly important for the progress of your career and you consider them as a milestone!
Marty 'N Rizzo:
1. Dominion - Reign of fire
2. Yves- V - Get up and dance (Marty 'N Rizzo remix) (official Tomorrowland 2008 anthem)
3. Junior Waxx - Banging record (Point Blanc remix)
4. Marty 'N Rizzo - Blockbuster
5. Marty 'N Rizzo - Go with the wolf
Dimitris: Let's focus on your latest release Go with the wolf. Please tell us from where did you got the inspiration for the track?
Marty 'N Rizzo: On a night, almost one year ago, I was experimenting with some sounds from a new soundbank. After a bit of tweaking, I immediately came up with the pluck melody, which is the foundation of the track. I played a few chords and the whole track came together in my head. A few hours later, the basics were set. And a few days later, the track was finished. My girlfriend came up with the title. She said wow, this track makes me just go with the flow. And flow spelled backwards is... ;)
Dimitris: How long it took you to produce it and was an easy or difficult process?If you have faced any difficulties please tell us about them and how did you resolved them?
Marty 'N Rizzo: In contradiction with many of my other tracks, I did not had any difficulties with Go with the wolf. Everything came out smoothly and the track is not so complex. Even the mixing process was pretty easy. A good trick for the workflow for example, is having all the elements playing in the same key, so it is easier to cut or boost the frequencies because they are all in the same range. Go with the wolf was completely finished in seven days I think. Afterwards I send my tracks to Da Goose Mastering for mastering. Mastering is something I'm not good at so I leave that part of the process to experienced people.
Dimitris: Which was the biggest challenge that you faced during the production of this superb track?
Marty 'N Rizzo: This track is all about emotion. So using the correct instruments to express that emotion was of big value.
Dimitris: Can you describe to us the steps that you went through the production of this track and of any other track?
Marty 'N Rizzo: In contradiction to many producers, I almost never start with the kickdrum. I start with playing a melody on the keys. I always get my inspiration from different sounds. I start tweaking those knobs, and I'm off. Once I have found the melody I want, I start adding the bassline and chords. At that point I have either created the break of the song, or the drop. It depends. Than I start producing the intro with elements of the break and the drop and at last I finish the outro. When I work with a vocalist, like J-Why, I start working with his vocal and I will create the music around that vocal. (Like we did in the Trap track Smoke alone, released on Blanco Y Negro, or Pussy rule the world, a bangin EDM track released on Digital Empire VIP).
Marty 'N Rizzo |
Dimitris: When the track finished did the label accepted it as it was produced or did the label recommend you to do some changes or fix certain things?
Marty 'N Rizzo: No, lucky for me the WoNKed Music group accepted the demo as it was.
Dimitris: Is this track an original composition or is it based on a template from another track produced from you or another producer?
Marty 'N Rizzo: With every track I produce, I always start from scratch. So this production is like all my other songs an original composition. (I guess that's why it takes me so long to produce a song all the time).
Dimitris: Is the quality of this track higher than your previous one? If yes in what ways this track sounds better than your previous one?
Marty 'N Rizzo: My goal is to improve my skills with every release, so I hope this one sounds better than my previous songs. I couldn't say that it sounds better, but it does sounds different.
Dimitris: Do you have any friends or relatives that you send them the track before sending it to a label or if you are DJ did you test it in your gigs? If yes did you have to do any alterations as a result of the crowd reaction?
Marty 'N Rizzo: Most of the time, not always, I send my tracks to ilektrify to hear his opinion and I always ask: what are the things you don't like about the song. When I receive his feedback, I make some adjustments. Sometimes I send my tracks to Yves-V (depending on the genre). But I hope after all those years, to be experienced enough to hear what works and what doesn't. The crowd reactions are very important, but, I simply produce the sound that I want to hear myself, sometimes that is EDM, Trap, Freestyle, Techno or Trance, sometimes even Hardcore. I understand that this makes it difficult for me to perform as a DJ, because you can't simply put me in a box and I love so many genres of music that being different comes almost naturally. But I have always followed my own passion, very determined, and sometimes people dig that shit.
Dimitris: Please describe to us the studio that you have produced the track? What is your favourite hardware and software set up? Do you have in mind any new gear that you wish to get in order to raise the quality of your production?
Marty 'N Rizzo: I have my own studio, filled with Vicoustic panels all around. The main part of my studio is my PC. My genelec monitors. UAD audio interface and a whole collection of VSTI plugins, samples. I still have some hardware synths like for example the Virus TI snow and Virus C, Novation A and D station, but I hardly use them.
Dimitris: Do you master the track yourself or the mastering is task for the record label? Do you understand mastering as being essential?
Marty 'N Rizzo: Mastering is essential for a release. But in my opinion it isn't essential when you send out a demo. Mastering will make the whole mix sound louder and jump out. Or it can add extra warmth or a certain thing you are looking for. But it will not fix the quality of your mix. If the mix is bad, mastering will not fix it. That is something you need to do yourself.
Dimitris: There is a growing trend of vinyl coming back for good. Would you like to see this track released on vinyl or any other of your future tracks? Do you prefer digital files or vinyl?
Marty 'N Rizzo: Back in the day I started playing on vinyl, so yes. I love it. I have released a dozen of tracks on vinyl and I would love to see my future tracks released on vinyl again. Since I'm focusing on Techno these days, it might be possible.
Dimitris: Do you have any future releases planned and when will be released?
Marty 'N Rizzo: At the moment I have one House track ready for release in April next year. And I have 4 Techno tracks ready for mastering.
Dimitris: Can you recall your Top 3 best DJ gigs so far and the reasons that made them so special?
Marty 'N Rizzo: 1. City Parade Bergen / Mons in 2007 (Belgium). I played a 3 hour set on the Q-dance truck.
2. Bassleader in 2010 (Belgium). My first live act ever.
3. Club Masia in 2016 (Spain). Insane crowd.
Dimitris: Do you have any more DJ gigs planned for the next few months? If yes please note them down here.
Marty 'N Rizzo: No, no bookings confirmed. Feel free to contact me. ;)
Dimitris: Do you produce a radio show/podcast as well? Please tell us here all the details about it. If you don't have one please tell us why you don't think is important for your career.
Marty 'N Rizzo: No, I don't. Sometimes I make a mix for a radio station or podcast. I simply don't have the time to have my own show. But if people are interested in a producer with his own show or podcast, feel free to let me know. Sometimes I do a live stream from my studio on facebook so people can see what I'm doing in there.
Dimitris: Best piece of advice you got in relation to your career so far and best tip you learnt recently to make your tracks better.
Marty 'N Rizzo: Always trust your ears. If it sounds good, it's good.
Dimitris: Please give us here your tips or more elaborated advice for any new artists who may read this interview and wish to get involved with the electronic music industry.
Marty 'N Rizzo: Always follow your dream. I you have a dream, don't let anyone take that dream away. Focus, and work your ass off in the studio. I have sacrificed a lot of time that I could have spend with friends or family but instead I choose to work in the studio on new music. Good luck with chasing your dreams!
Thanks so much Marty 'N Rizzo for his very inspiring answers. Good luck for 2019!
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