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REVIEW: Bluum - Weyland out on FSOE UV

Bluum lands back on UV with probably his best work to date! Peak time prog from one of UK's brightest new talents. 

Dimitri Kechagias review:
[review top="1"]
 [item value="10"]Beat and Rhythm[/item]
 [item value="10"]Basslines and Groove[/item]
 [item value="10"] Melody [/item]
 [item value="10"] Synths [/item]
 [item value="10"]Breakdown[/item]
 [item value="10"]Climax  / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment[/item]
 [item value="10"]Intensity, Drive and Energy[/item]
 [item value="10"]Sound-design and Arrangement[/item]
 [item value="10"]Overall Atmosphere[/item]
 [item value="10"]Goosebumps / Shivers moments[/item]
 [item value="10"]Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments[/item]
 [item value="10"]Originality and Inventiveness[/item]
 [item value="10"]Dancefloor Efficiency / Festival Arenas Effectiveness[/item]
 [item value="10"]You can’t get this memorable track out of your head[/item]
 [item value="10"]It has potential to become an anthem or a classic[/item]
 [item value="10"]Bluum - Weyland[/item]
 [content title="Summary" label="Overall Score"]Bluum is making waves in the progressive house scene with amazing releases so far. His latest track Weyland is a magnificent journey of power and force with the usual deep haunting pulsating bass, slow grooving drums & kicks and superb melancholic strings in the background while cool hypnotic synthy line runs throughout building the hypnotic state of mind for clubbers to escape and get easily immersed into it. The track manage to create a very melodramatic sound that seems to work perfectly in house and trance sets alike. If cinematic is a word that rings a bell in your music liking then this track is one for your shopping basket. Add it instantly! #PureGold Love iT [/content]

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