On a run of prolific recent releases, Exolight returns to Always Alive Recordings in a stunning new production bringing the Romanian's distinct sound back to the label in the exceptional 'Without You'.
Combining his ear for seamless melodies and crisp bass layers, Exolight's latest production on Always Alive Recordings delivers a freshly tuned, brilliantly uplifting new release. Full of Exolight's unique touches & FX, 'Without You' adds another sublime Trance production to Exolight's now growing Always Alive catalogue.
Exolight after his BEST OF 2017 Interview is back for an In Depth Interview about Without You.
Dimitri: When did you start your involvement with electronic dance music and which music style you are more affiliated with and why?
Exolight: I started to learn music production in 2010 when i installed Cubase for the first time on my PC. But after many discouragements and failures i gave up. A few years later, in 2014 I decided to give one more shot on this and I switched to FL Studio and started again.Then I met Suncatcher, and we started to work together. Shortly after, we released our first track 'Nothing Like You' which ended up being part of Solarstone's Pure Trance 5 compilation. I love all the trance styles but I am more close to the uplifting.
Dimitri: Did you had the opportunity to attend any kind of music production course or are u completely self taught? Do you consider that is essential for any artist to complete any production course?
Exolight: I am not completely self taught. Luckily i met this awesome dude, Suncatcher who helped me a lot. And i don't think that production courses are essential but they can help you. I see many great trance producers offering great production courses online: Allan Morrow, Steve Allen etc.
Dimitri: In which label was your first ever release and how did you manage to attract the attention of the label?
Exolight: My first release was 'Nothing Like You' (w/ Suncatcher), on Pure Trance. We produced this in 2016 and sent it to Rich. He instantly loved it and signed the track for Pure Trance 5 compilation.
Dimitri: Can you choose for us your Top 5 tracks that you have produced and you consider them as being highly important for the progress of your career indifferent if they were commercially successful.
'Nothing Like You',
'Memory of You',
'Summer Escape',
'Day To Remember'
'Black Butterflies'.
Dimitri: Let's focus on Without You. Please tell us from where did you got the inspiration for the track?
Exolight: Usually I'm inspired by the events that are happening to me at the time when i make the track. For example: 'Nothing Like You' is a very happy song because i was inspired by some really great events that happened to me at that time. 'Day to Remember' is so 'melancholic' because i was pretty much down in that period of time. And so on.
The idea of 'Without You' suddenly popped up into my head, out of nowhere, when i was smoking a cigar in my balcony at 2 AM, a few weeks ago. But given the title, i don't know...maybe i was missing someone ha!..ha!.
Dimitri: How long it took you to produce it and was an easy or difficult process?If you have faced any difficulties please tell us about them and how did you resolved them?
Exolight: No difficulties on this one and it took me like 6-7 days to finish the track.
Dimitri: Which was the biggest challenge that you faced during the production of this superb track?
Exolight: To find and to be 100% satisfied with the lead was the biggest challenge on this one. After hours of drawing and deleting notes, i finally made something that satisfies me.
Dimitri: Can you describe to us the steps that you went through the production of this track and of any other track?
Exolight: First, the idea popped into my head. After that, I opened FL Studio and started to make the track: added some pads, leads, basslines etc.
Dimitri: When the track finished did the label accepted it as it was produced or did the label recommend you to do some changes or fix certain things?
Exolight: The label accepted it as it was. They literally loved it!
Dimitri: Is this track an original composition or is it based on a template from another track produced from you or another producer?
Exolight: Original. But of course, there are many Exolight common elements in several parts of the track.
Dimitri: Is the quality of this track higher than your previous one? If yes in what ways this track sounds better than your previous one?
Exolight: I really don't know. I hope so. I want to believe that i am constantly improving my sound with every track but we will let the audience to decide this. :)
The track has already been supported by some really big artists (Armin, Aly&Fila, Ferry Corsten, Kyau&Albert, Alex M.O.R.P.H., Dan Stone etc) and this gives me a little bit of confidence to say that the track is a success.
Dimitri: Do you have any friends or relatives that you send them the track before sending it to a label or if you are DJ did you test it in your gigs? If yes did you have to do any alterations as a result of the crowd reaction?
Exolight: I always send the tracks to my friends and based on their reaction, I can decide if the track is ready or not to be sent to labels. I had all kind of reactions, from 'OMG this is so good that I cried' to 'Dude this sucks'. But the honest and constructive feedback is always the best way to improve yourself.
Dimitri: Please describe to us the studio that you have produced the track? What is your favourite hardware and software set up? Do you have in mind any new gear that you wish to get in order to raise the quality of your production?
Exolight: My studio is not that much of the fancy studio. I only have a decent PC, a decent sound card, some pretty good headphones and a midi keyboard. I'm thinking of buying a Virus synth but I'm not convinced yet. You don't need expensive gear to produce good music!
Exolight and his studio
Dimitri: Do you master the track yourself or the mastering is task for the record label? Do you understand mastering as being essential?
Exolight: I understand mastering as being essential but i'm not mastering my own tracks. Even if you're super good at mastering (which I'm not ha! ha!), I still do not consider that mastering your own tracks is the best idea.
Dimitri: There is a growing trend of vinyl coming back for good. Would you like to see this track released on vinyl or any other of your future tracks? Do you prefer digital files or vinyl?
Exolight: I prefer vinyl, of course. I would love to see my tracks on vinyls but we live in a digital era now, right?
Dimitri: Any plans for remixes on Without You?
Exolight: No remixes on this one.
Dimitri: Do you have any future releases planned and when will be released?
Exolight: Yes! Three new releases coming in the next couple of months.
Stay tuned!
Dimitri: If you are DJ except of producer please tell us here your Top 3 best DJ gigs so far and the reasons that made them so special?
Exolight: I only started to DJ officially last year. I had a great gig in my hometown, in Cluj-Napoca, playing b2b with Suncatcher. It was special because it was my first gig and because all of my good friends were there to support me.
Dimitri: Do you have any more DJ gigs planned for the next few months? If yes please note them down here.
Exolight: Yes, I will be playing at a big festival in Romania this year and I will also have a gig in Bulgaria this spring. More info soon!
Dimitri: Do you produce a radio show/podcast as well? Please tell us here all the details about it. If you don't have one please tell us why you don't think is important for your career.
Exolight: Yes, I produce a radio show on Afterhours FM, together with my friend Suncatcher, called 'Critical Exposure Radio'. You can catch us every 2nd Wednesday of the month, from 17:00 - 18:00 CET.
You can always find our previous shows on Soundcloud, on my profile! Check them out!
Dimitri: Please give us here your tips or more elaborated advice for any new artists who may read this interview and wish to get involved with the electronic music industry.
Exolight: Work hard, practice, ask for feedback, ask for help, watch tutorials, don't give up.
With all the resources from the Internet today, almost everyone can produce. You only need to be ambitious and creative of course.