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ADE 2017: How festivals can contribute to global disaster areas

Duncan Stutterheim (ID&T) and Juriaan Lahr (Netherlands Red Cross - IFRC) explain how a festival can be the perfect testing ground to help improve humanitarian aid.

With hurricane Irma hitting Saint Martin and much of the Caribbean, and the major catastrophe that it left behind, the world just had the latest confirmation that climate change, and extreme weather, is happening. Last year during ADE Green, innovation platform Open-House launched a pilot project, together with the Netherlands Red Cross, to develop how festivals can help innovate in the area of humanitarian aid. After a successful test at Mysteryland last summer, in which two start-ups tested their wind and solar energy sources, the project became even more relevant after hurricane Irma. The disaster hit the island hard, leaving the people with no fresh water, no house and no infrastructure. Thanks to the trust that had been built between the two initiatives, The Red Cross agreed to send the solar panels to Saint Martin to supply direct energy. A real milestone, as it normally takes a lot longer to build the confidence needed to implement such new initiatives. 

Can Festivals Help And Improve Humanitarian Aid? 
The festival was the perfect testing ground to try out both ventures and prove that they are up to the job. During the panel “Can Festivals Help And Improve Humanitarian Aid?”  Duncan Stutterheim, founder of ID&T and Juriaan Lahr, head of international operations at The Netherlands Red Cross, will discuss how we can usefully test future innovations at festivals and what it might lead to.

What can you do?
Are you interested in why extreme weather is happening, and what you can do about it? Professor Chris Rapley, one of the world’s most renowned climate scientists will give a lecture about climate change and his belief that creativity must be at the centre of shaping future climate initiatives during the panel "Climate Change - The Giant Awakening". 

Sustainability, innovation and social change all play an equally important part at ADE Green. Throughout the day, the event tries to inspire and answer questions that have to do with one (or all) of our themes. Have a look at an overview of the ADE Green program here, more info can be found here. The event will take place on October 18th in the DeLaMar Theater. Attend the event on here to stay up to date.

Tickets for ADE Green (35,-) are available here. The event is also accessible for ADE Pass & ADE Conference Pass holders. ADE Green is presented by ADE and Absolut (official partner ADE), and supported by these partners.

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