Dimitri Kechagias review:
Molekular Sounds deliver the outstanding release by C-Systems & Hanna Finsen - Reaching For My Dreams. This is an excellent slice of straight forward uplifting trance with solid and super tight fat drums along with driving energetic basslines while on top incredible synths and strings adding the melodramatic touch. Hanna is always perfect in her performance and once again he delivers an excellent song that goes so well with the music and the whole foundation of the track. The uplifting synthy hook is revealed and comes to the surface to bring euphoria and colorful explosions of joy and lead the track to the full on dynamic and sweating trance climax. #PureBliss #PureJoy #PureGold Love itAdditional info:
WWW | www.c-systemsmusic.com
TWITTER | twitter.com/csystems
FACEBOOK | www.facebook.com/csystemsmusic
TWITTER | twitter.com/hannafinsen
FACEBOOK | www.facebook.com/hannafinsenvocalist
WWW | www.RazNitzanMusic.com
TWITTER | www.twitter.com/RazNitzan
FACEBOOK | www.facebook.com/RazNitzanMusic
YOUTUBE | www.youtube.com/RazNitzanMusic