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ADE 2016: ADE 2016 daytime program: first panel topics announced

Confirmed panels include Best and Worst of Being A Label in the 21st Century, Taking Streaming Mainstream and What Do Artists Do All Day?.

Alongside this week's speaker announcements (Anthony Saleh, Bruce Eskowitz, Martin Goldschmidt) and Amsterdam Dance Event's 2016 opening concert 'Scripted Orchestra', we can reveal some of the first confirmed panels of ADE's extensive 2016 daytime program. 

Best and Worst of being a label
Taking a light-hearted but serious look at the realities of running a label in 2016 and beyond, Best and Worst of Being A Label in the 21st Century features representatives of some of the most enduring label brands of the last 20 years, including Chris Goss of Hospital Records, Eelko van Kooten of Spinnin’ Records and Kompakt’s Jon Berry. In a separate keynote interview Armada founder Maykel Piron will be looking back at what went right and wrong over the company’s first 12 and a half years, as well as looking forward to the challenges of the next decade. 

Taking streaming mainstream
Taking Streaming Mainstream features reps from all the big streaming services looking at where streaming is headed, and attempting to answer the big questions such as how streaming can maximise audience growth in emerging, untapped and mature markets.  

What do artists do all day?
What Do Artists Do All Day? puts the complex daily routine of the modern artist under the microscope. In an era where an artist often runs a label, deals with creative agencies, does their own social media and much more - what does that actually mean in terms of their routine, the conflicts and synergies between their different commitments, and how does it affect the team of people they work with? 

Date, time and venue for panels to be announced.

Submit your ideas
Which speakers would you love to hear? And what topics can’t be missed?
You can now suggest your topics and speakers (form available on desktop only). 

ADE's 5-Day conference tickets are available here.

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