Milan van Skyler returns to Digital Society Recordings with another stellar effort displaying the Polish producer's ear for driving Trance anthems.
'This Is Our Time' brings Milan van Skyler's melodic talents to the fore with swelling pads surrounding an all-together elegant and uplifting track. With a number of recent release Milan's name is increasingly becoming associated with higher brow melodic Trance artists and 'This Is Our Time' proves Milan's rise.
Another exciting release for Milan van Skyler on DS-R!
Dimitri Kechagias review: Digital Society recordings is the dedicated label to Digital Society trance night organised in Leeds with big success. The latest release on the top label comes from Milan van Skyler who seems that he has done his homework and he has read all the books about the classic pure trance sound. The result is the anthem This is our Time that follows faithfully and without unwanted deviation the classic uplifting trance style with banging tough drums, bouncy energetic basslines, acid layers and emotional synthy riffs that nicely lead us on the breakdown that is super long and emotional with piano chords, airy pads, cinematic strings and luscious electronic themes. The massive main synthy riff is unleashed and will definitely cause many explosions of happiness on the dancefloor near you. The climax combines all the sound layers together in perfect harmony in order to bring that eargasmic crescendo moment that only trance can radiate so beautifully in the human body and soul. This is Our Time and This is Our Trance! #PureGold Love It
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