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REVIEW:Anton Stellz - Palma out on Baroque

Anton Stellz - Palma (Original Mix)
Anton Stellz - Shift (Original Mix)
Anton Stellz - Woopy (Original Mix)
Anton Stellz - Woopy Dub (Original Mix)

If its wiggly ass shakin techno grooves you are after, the the Palma ep from our very own Anton Sellz, delivers by the bucket load..

Palma itself gets groovin with a whippy little groove, before swirling sparkling hooks come in, while big knock drums add energy and drive

Shift has a disco feel to its beats, revolving sampled vocals move around the whirring synths, as the energy & funk step up a level, while distant sirens set off

Whoopy comes in original and dub versions, with chunky drums, popping synths and spoken 'we dont give a.. ' vocals. obviously the dub comes vocaless!

Dimitri Kechagias review: Baroque continues its quest for house music that really matters with a top EP from Anton Stellz. 4 fantastic tunes to play in your sets and get the aplause and admiration from your peers. Palma goes all the way banging tech house with continuous progression and involvement of the listener along with vocal samples as well. Shift has a tribal house style with great percussion, swirrling siren like melodies and ethnic eastern sounding vocal hook  that add to its mystery. Whoopy is darker thing with tech house beats  and naughty vocal samples that are choped and squeezed really nicely. It has funk, it has groove its strong material to warm up those engines. Overall 3 tracks perfect to use in wide variety of possibilites and styles. Really versatile release thats for sure.

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