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Congratulations Flux BPM Online readers we reach 5.000.000 million views! Thanks so much!


Amazing Flux Bpm Online page views reached the magic 5.000.000 million views! Thanks so much for your support and love! Thanks to all record labels, festivals, clubs, conferences for their support through the years! As truly independent voice in electronic dance music and with the motto of being positive, encouraging and supportive rather than being cynical and die hard critical for the sake of criticism Flux BPM Online is an authentic voice in the electronic music industry. Of course all over the world we are facing heavy challenges  but will be awesome if you can find some free time to donate for Flux BPM Online and support me on keep it alive. Unfortunately without your support will be impossible to keep it going as I will not have the means to do it aka internet, electricity so any small donation makes a huge difference and in return of your donation any banner or other form of support can be provided. Please support me to continue to support YOU! Thanks so much again and specially dedicated to all of you the beloved track by Above & Beyond with Justine - On a Good Day! It describes so well in its lyrics the struggles I'm going through! Thanks God we are still Alive and full of Love!