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REVIEW: Chris Connolly - Begin The Moment out on Borderline


While Borderline’s sound is very much hoping to push what many would consider a more ‘classic’ sounding style of trance, so far, since its return, the label hasn’t yet released anything along the lines of ‘classic’ sounding Tech-Trance…enter Chris Connolly.

Begin The Moment melts that classic era of tech-trance from the early 00’s, with solid, modern production and lashings of bassline funk. Its great to see high quality tech trance on Borderline!

Find it here https://borderline.complete.me/begin-the-moment

Dimitri Kechagias review:
[review top="1"]
[item value="10"]Beat and Rhythm[/item]
[item value="10"]Basslines and Groove[/item]
[item value="10"] Melody [/item]
[item value="10"] Synths [/item]
[item value="10"]Breakdown[/item]
[item value="10"]Climax / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment[/item]
[item value="10"]Intensity, Drive and Energy[/item]
[item value="10"]Sound-design and Arrangement[/item]
[item value="10"]Overall Atmosphere[/item]
[item value="10"]Goosebumps / Shivers moments[/item]
[item value="10"]Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments[/item]
[item value="10"]Originality and Inventiveness[/item]
[item value="10"]Radio Friendly[/item]
[item value="10"]Vocals & lyrics[/item]
[item value="10"]You can’t get this memorable track out of your head[/item]
[item value="10"]It has potential to become an anthem or a classic[/item]
[item value="10"]Chris Connolly - Begin The Moment [/item]
[content title="Summary" label="Overall Score"]Chris Connolly on Borderline delivers an instant classic by melting beautifully tech trance with uplifting elements in his latest track Begin The Moment. Tougher techy groovy, pounding basslines, thumping kicks, metallic drums and not acid overtones and cool melodic layers that recall early trance classics. This track is all about the great floating flourishing melodies that slowly and gradually surround the listener and absorb him without second thoughts in his sonic environment. The melodies are delightful and airy but the tough beats underneath ensures body fluids pumping and sweat on the trancefloor. Keep it simple, keep it great! #PureGold Love IT[/content]

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