Artüria is a DJ / Producer from Liverpool. His releases are supported so far by industry heavyweights such as Cristoph / Aly & Fila / Paul Thomas and many more incredible artists. His achievements so far Beatport Top 30 Progressive House Chart Artist, Beatport Top 70 Progressive House Releases Artist, Beatport Top 20 Biggest Basslines Chart Artist, Beatport Top 10 Progressive House Hype Chart Artist. His future looks bright and his latest release on Songspire is called Snapdragon. We requested an interview and we are glad he accepted the challenge to talk about his latest brainchild. Enjoy his answers and discover his music!
Interview was written and conducted by Dimitri Kechagias, radio host at 1mix radio & music journalist
Dimitris: When did you start your involvement with electronic dance music and which music style you are more affiliated with and why?
Artüria: My involvement with electronic dance music started back when I was 9 years of age, I don't have a specific genre of music, as I'm really happy being free and producing music I like to make when I get into the studio.
Dimitris: Did you had the opportunity to attend any kind of music production course or are u completely self taught? Do you consider that is essential for any artist to complete any production course?
Artüria: I am self taught, lots of hours, sleepless night in the studio creating my craft.
Dimitris: In which label was your first ever release and how did you manage to attract the attention of the label?
Artüria: My first label I released on was my own label ChillBeat Records
Dimitris: Please pick for us your Top 5 tracks that you have produced and you consider them as being highly important for the progress of your career.
Artüria:Artüria - Emperical (Songspire Records)
Artüria - Snapdragon (Songspire Records)
Lida - Some Summers (ChillBeat Records)
I Am Lucas - Paradox (Eclypse/Armada)
eSQUIRE - Ignite - Liam Daley Remix
Dimitris: Let's focus on your latest release Snapdragon. Please tell us from where did you got the inspiration for the track and what kind of music influences is including?
Artüria: Well the inspiration for Snapdragon came from moving house, it represents the whole change in my music career and a new page in my life booklet which I'm really grateful for.
Dimitris: How long it took you to produce it and was an easy or difficult process?If you have faced any difficulties please tell us about them and how did you resolved them?
Artüria: It took me about 2 months to make it and get the mixdown correct, having the kick drum sitting so nicely was key, we as artists always come across difficulties, and how we resolve them is to leave the project, go for a walk to refresh your mind and vision then go back in.
Dimitris: Which was the biggest challenge that you faced during the production of this superb track?
Artüria: The mixdown was crucial I sent it to a certain artist, he is the only person I send my music to as he gives me the feedback to help the track progress so yeah was most definitely the mixdown
Dimitris: Can you describe to us the steps that you went through the production of this track and of any other track?
Artüria: Yes, the first vision of any track is key, this needs to be seen before opening the project or you will just get lost, the building process from there all falls into place.
Dimitris: When the track finished did the label accepted it as it was produced?
Artüria: The label took it as it was.
Dimitris: Is this track an original composition or is it based on a template from another track produced in the past from you or another producer?
Artüria: 100% original, whilst I'm in the studio I don't listen to music other than the track I'm producing.
Dimitris: Is the quality of this track higher than your previous one? If yes in what ways this track sounds better than your previous one?
Artüria: In terms of being better then no I'd say they are both on parr with each other in their own unique way.
Dimitris: Do you have any friends or relatives that you send them the track before sending it to a label or if you are DJ did you test it in your gigs? If yes did you have to do any alterations as a result of the crowd reaction?
Artüria: Yes to get the reaction from my family is really a feeling, to hear their thoughts and see them smile about my music before anybody else hears it, is just magic.
Dimitris: Please describe to us the studio that you have produced the track? What is your favourite hardware and software set up? Do you have in mind any new gear that you wish to get in order to raise the quality of your production?
Artüria: The Artüria equipment of course.
Dimitris: Do you master the track yourself or the mastering is task for the record label? Do you understand mastering as being essential?
Artüria: I send my music off to be mastered professionally as even tho I understand the mastering side of music its still great to pass it to the guys who are more equipped than myself.
Dimitris: There is a growing trend of vinyl coming back for good. Would you like to see this track released on vinyl or any other of your future tracks? Do you prefer digital files or vinyl?
Artüria: Yes I grew up DJing on vinyl and learned my tricks on technics so yes I'd love to see my music released on vinyl. I don't have a favourite I'm happy to use both.
Dimitris: Tell us your opinion about the Solanca remix included in the package.
Artüria: Solanca has really done Snapdragon justice with his remix, really happy with the response the release is getting.
Dimitris: Do you have any future releases planned and when will be released?
Artüria: Yes leading right up till March then I'm off to Miami for my first time for the music conferences etc.
Dimitris: Can you share with us your Top 3 best DJ gigs so far and the reasons that made them so special?
Artüria: Yes my first 1 would be supporting dutch maestro Alvaro, then winning a DJ competition in my home town and last would be djing to 500+ people for Sin Sunday at Club Aura in Liverpool. To do all these shows in my home town makes these gigs so special.
Dimitris: Do you have any more DJ gigs planned for the next few months? If yes please note them down here.
Artüria: Not as of yet as I've been sorting out a very strong releases pattern for the next few months.
Dimitris: Do you produce a radio show/podcast as well? Please tell us here all the details about it. If you don't have one please tell us why you don't think is important for your career.
Artüria: That will all come. I think its crucial to constantly showcase the music we play and our talents.
Dimitris: Best piece of advice you got in relation to your career so far and best tip you learnt recently to make your tracks better.
Artüria: My best piece of advice would be to go at your dream career with no hold backs, as that's exactly what I done this year. 100% it helps. Yes to watch other artists make their music, even picking up 1% of what they do will help you.
Dimitris: Please give us here your tips or more elaborated advice for any new artists who may read this interview and wish to get involved with the electronic music industry.
Artüria: To learn as much as possible as you can, but to always rest and give your mind and body time to regenerate.
Dimitris: In 2018 the electronic music talent AVICII died and this has alerted several artists to become more health conscious. Are there any lessons to learn as an artist out from this sad event?
Artüria: This news of Tim passing absolutely broke my heart. Yes to look after your body and mind. Peace and tranquillity are essential.
Dimitris: There is a big movement for revival of classic tracks and as a result of this retro events have boomed with music policy of solely classic tracks. What is your opinion about events or stages only with classics and can you choose for us your absolute 3 favourite classics?
Artüria: I think its absolutely great, to see all these events growing bigger and bigger. Music matters - Axwell remix
Needin U - David Morales
Crystal Water - Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
Dimitris: Finally, what is your biggest wish for 2019 and give us your wishes and messages for our readers?
Artüria: To be able to play my own music to clubs and crowds around the world.
Thanks to Liam for replying in this interview. Thanks to Onno at Sonspire for organising this interview. Check Songspire on Spotify and start following them now!