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Best of 2018 Interview with production & DJ duo C-Systems

C-Systems is a dance music duo comprising of Matt Allen (London, UK) and Akki Hisham (Oslo, Norway).

Matt is a composer and music teacher. Matt pursued a solo career in the dance music industry for 3 years under the alias of 'Bushi' before collaborating with Akki. Matt has had successful releases from a multitude of labels and extensive DJ support between 2009 and 2011. Akki released his first track back in 2005 which became very popular on Norwegian radio, claiming the number 1 spot on the charts for some time. Akki then worked collaboratively with Henning Wilhelmson (Staro) for several years.

Matt and Akki crossed paths when working together with Unearthed Records in 2011. Akki did a remix for Matt and Luke Terry on their track, “Skyfall”. Both the guys suggested that they try an original together and they set to writing their first collaborative track, “Leading Destiny”. The writing process was swift and their skills complemented each other extremely well. Akki and Matt made the decision to work collaboratively on other tracks, most notably “Ari”, released by Enhanced Records under their collaborative title “C-Systems and Bushi”. With extensive DJ support and a great relationship being formed, “C-Systems” was truly born.

They have released many successful productions with a number of different labels from around the world. This includes Enhanced Music, Raz Nitzan Music, Armada, Grotesque, Unearthed Records, Alter Ego, Blue Soho and Black Hole Recordings.

Dimitris: Can you mention your biggest music career achievements in 2018?

C-Systems: Our comeback! We've had about 10 months off of music to develop some non-music stuff in our lives. It's so easy to consider your studio as just "a hobby" after a break, but for the C-systems boys it made us even hungrier to rekindle our passion. We are back for sure now and have so many things still to come. Exciting times!

Dimitris: Can you rate 2018 for you as a year with 1 being very bad until 10 that is perfect year!

C-Systems: 9 excellent year. Starting to write music again is nothing less than an excellent decision, but perfection is something we believe you are always striving for, rather than a totally achievable goal!

1) Best 3 Tracks from other artists in 2018, please give us a short comment for each track:

C-Systems: 1) Our first track is without a doubt "Emanuele Congeddu - Orbital 99". He KNOWS how much we love it and we have played it a lot. The track is everything trance should be for us - emotional, melodic, engaging and FULL of energy. Emanuele is a brilliant producer and he's a good friend of ours too.

2) Up second is "Kiyoi & Eky & Dustin Husain - Pacific". Another Digital Society Track, yes, but well deserved for our number two spot. This track is simply incredible. That reflective break that simply seems to make time stop, followed with the banging drop. WOW. The beautiful melody underpins the main theme so well.

3) Our final choice is definitely "Kaimo K - Hold of You". How can this not be considered one of the best tracks of the year? Great production, amazing melody and absolutely brilliant vocals. I think this one is a truly complete package that shows true songwriting skills. 

2) Your 3 Best of 2018 personal productions, give us more background info about them:

C-Systems: Haha, well we have only had two originals out so far in 2018!!! But here goes:

1) Of course, "Complete" marks our return to the scene and to Enhanced Music. This is a really special track in many ways, but when we wrote the theme it was that moment where we knew everything was ready to go again for us as producers. We love the main theme and the core pluck melody. It is truly the "C-Systems" sound that everyone identifies with. 

2) "Sanctum" is a totally different track to "Complete" due to the massive tech elements. We really like it and we needed this amidst a lot of melodic, uplifting ideas that we had. It's not the sound everyone was expecting so we hope we turned a few heads! 

3) Not an original, but the remix we produced of "Veniice - Lost feat Alice Berg" was an absolute pleasure. Not a lot of people know this, but the piano part for that is one continuous take with almost no editing!! It is truly pure music, remixed by us, vocals of course delivered by the amazing Alice Berg. 

3) Best Artist in 2018(DJ & producer) please explain why you pick him/her up:

C-Systems: Emanuele Congeddu - because he tirelessly strives to created amazing trance and constantly seeks perfection. He's also a great guy!!!

4) Best Remix that you have produced in 2018, please tell us why you believe is your best work?

C-Systems: I think our best, released remix at the moment is "Maxim Schunk x Raven & Kreyn feat. BISHØP - My Name" - it's quite an advanced remix in terms of the harmony and the melody. It also reflects what we are all about i.e the soul of the music rather that reliance on production style.  

5) Best Remixer for 2018, please tell us why you choose him/her:

C-Systems: Adip Kiyoi - He just seems to be able to remix in any style, all with real skill and speed! A great producer on all fronts.

6) Best New Talent in 2018 (DJ or producer), please explain the reasons why you choose him/her :

C-Systems: I'm sure that we don't count as it's simply the start of our return!! But of course there are so many amazing new producers, there's no way we can pick one.

7) Best electronic music album in 2018? Please explain your decision why you think is the best album?(b) Do you believe that albums are still relevant or you prefer singles:

C-Systems: Really difficult - What we would say is that concept albums are really rare now in a single-dominated industry. But that's partly due to promotional tracks being sent to DJ's to build sets with. Albums are still relevant for artists who really want to build a personal experience for the listener that is centred around a signature sound or concept.

8) Best artwork/cover for a single/ album or compilation released in 2018, please justify your opinion why this and not another one:

C-Systems: Love the new Digital Society artwork!!! Really great look all over and fits the identity of the label really well

9) Best vocalist/singer featured on electronic music track in 2018, please tell why you appreciate this singer/vocalist and why:

C-Systems:There is no way we could ever say anyone other than Hannah Finsen. She has always been our main vocalist for C-Systems and will continue to be so. She has such a distinctive, beautiful and timeless style and we are lucky to work with her.

10) Best electronic music label for 2018, please justify why you choose this label and what was so special in 2018 about it:

C-Systems: haha Enhanced Music and all the sub labels of course!!! They have looked after us for 5 years now ever since we released "Ari" with them. They are a true Trance Family, comprised of great professionals who are additionally great people. They have achieved incredible things in a really saturated industry and we are proud to work with them.

11) Best online social media for 2018 and why you believe is the best particularly in 2018?:

C-Systems: Instagram - In truth, we have only been using it properly for about 6 months or so but are learning fast. We love it. It's so versatile and so easy to connect with people. 

12) Best Twitter/Facebook/Instagram message you may have received about your music or your DJ performance in 2018:

C-Systems: All the messages about Matt's dancing on the DSR live set!!!

13) Best music composition software in 2018, please explain why you appreciate it so much:

C-Systems: Cubase - we always use it and plan to for the future. It's our number one platform and we love the workflow. it's just personal preference I guess.

14) Best Club event or Festival that you have performed there or you would love one day to perform there, please explain the reasons that influenced your choice of the event & festival:

C-Systems: In truth, we are musician / producers who have a love for DJing, rather than actively seeking DJing as a profession. DJing is great and we aren't too bad at it, doing our monthly show too. One day we would love to DJ at The Gallery, Ministry of Sound. Matt used to go to The Gallery on Fridays when it was at Turnmills (which we loved dearly...) so it would amazing to be a part of that one day. Who knows?!? 

15) Best DJ set from other fellow DJ in 2018 and why you believe his/her set was so fantastic?:

C-Systems: Ferry Corsten's set at Ministry for the Positiva night was legendary. There were no tracks, start to finish, that the crowd didn't know or go mad for. It was incredible.

16) Best radio show/podcast or Vlog(video blog) in 2018, please explain why you think this is the best radio show or vlog?:

 C-Systems: I'm hoping Supersystem haha!!! We love doing our show and we love the DJing side to showcase our productions and the other amazing producers out there. Also really enjoy Corsten's Countdown.

Dimitris: Do you have a radio show or vlog? Have you produced any YouTube tutorials for fellow artists to learn from you? If yes please tell us here the details and choose the best episode from your radio show/vlog/YouTube tutorial for 2018.

C-Systems: YES! as above, it's called Supersystem and is on the THIRD Friday of every month. Our fave episode is the one we have just done, episode 087. It's a real journey through our favourite styles and sounds. 

17) Best Radio station in 2018, please explain why this radio station is your favourite:

C-Systems: Afterhours FM - it has such a great variety, hosts our own Supersystem show and delivers a great End of Year Countdown!

18) Best music related website that you visit frequently, please explain what you exactly appreciate in this web site and you may recommended to your fans as well:

C-Systems: Apart from Flux BPM itself, '1001 Tracklists ' is a really important tool for seeing who is supporting tracks and where.

19) Best technical tips that you learnt in 2018 in relation to your DJing or music productions:

C-Systems: Ineffective workflow is a barrier for successful music - use a previous project file to write a song, then change technical elements after. The music comes first, production second. This has become really obvious recently. On the flip side, using the same project file and not changing any sounds becomes predictable.

20) Best piece of advice you got in relation to your career in 2018 and has helped you to progress even further:

C-Systems: Working closely with a label is absolutely key. It's not really "new" to us, but we have been reminded frequently how important this is over the past few months.

Dimitris: In 2018 the electronic music talent AVICII died and this has alerted several artists to become more health conscious. Are there any lessons to learn as an artist out from this sad event?

C-Systems: I think there is quite a lot to say here. Firstly, that we must always tell other people how we truly feel and what we truly need. It's no good responding "I'm fine" when someone genuinely asks how we are. Additionally, we need to be open, honest and upfront if things are difficult. Many artists out there tour very hard and we hope that they find time to pause in their work and rest. It's not at all only about physical health. Good mental health is even more important. 

Dimitris: In 2018 there was a big movement for revival of classic tracks and retro events have boomed with music policy of solely classic tracks. What is your opinion about events or stages only with classics and can you choose for us your absolute 3 favourite classics?

C-Systems: We love classics! Why wouldn't we? Firstly, it mays massive respect to a set of tunes that inspired a lot of modern day producers. Secondly, it acts as a great sign post on the journey of trance music - where the genre has come from and how it has evolved. Three absolute classic favourites? These are NOT the only three, but up there is without a doubt "Push - Strange World", "Ferry Costen - It's Time" and finally "Darren Tate vs Jono Grant - Let The Light Shine In"

Dimitris: Can you mention briefly your plans for your future releases, tracks, albums, collaborations, DJ gigs for 2019!

C-Systems: All we can say is...LOTS! We have originals, remixes and a few little extra plans ready for 2019. Collaborations? Well... I think we are really excited to put it lightly. We simply can't seem to stop at the moment, we have so many ideas and opportunities. It really is great to be back. 

Dimitris: Finally, what is your biggest wish for 2019 and give us your wishes for our readers?

C-Systems: Quite simple - that we continue to make our listeners keep their love of trance in all it's forms. The genre is so important to the world as it unites people in such a positive way. It's also full of some of the nicest people we have ever met.

Thanks so much to C-Systems for their fantastic answers and their support to Flux BPM. Many thanks to Rory at Enhanced Music for organising this interview.

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