We have been so fortunate to have had trance music royalty join the Coldharbour family within the past twelve months, and after reviving the iconic pieces Odyssey to Anyoona and Right in the Night, Jam El Mar introduces his first solo piece for the label, titled Spectral Semblance.
Jam remains an important player in both trance and techno worlds, and both those domains dovetail impressively here. When recently guestmixing on Markus Schulz's Global DJ Broadcast, Spectral Semblance made its bow as a mystery ID, and the Coldharbour boss was immediately captivated and prompted to add it to our library.
A hypnotic tone from the outset, Jam's quality in acid-influenced basslines and spine-tingling, age-defining piano melodies continues to shine in Spectral Semblance. His sound inspired the first trance generation, and this could well inspire the modern day followers.
Check Jam El Mar - Coldharbour Day 2018 guest mix
Check Coldharbour Interview: Jam El Mar (Jam & Spoon)
Dimitri Kechagias review:
[review top="1"]
[item value="10"]Beat and Rhythm[/item]
[item value="10"]Basslines and Groove[/item]
[item value="10"] Melody [/item]
[item value="10"] Synths [/item]
[item value="10"]Breakdown[/item]
[item value="10"]Climax / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment[/item]
[item value="10"]Intensity, Drive and Energy[/item]
[item value="10"]Sound-design and Arrangement[/item]
[item value="10"]Overall Atmosphere[/item]
[item value="10"]Goosebumps / Shivers moments[/item]
[item value="10"]Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments[/item]
[item value="10"]Originality and Inventiveness[/item]
[item value="10"]Dancefloor Efficiency / Festival Arenas Effectiveness[/item]
[item value="10"]You can’t get this memorable track out of your head[/item]
[item value="10"]It has potential to become an anthem or a classic[/item]
[item value="10"]Jam El Mar - Spectral Semblance[/item]
[content title="Summary" label="Overall Score"]Jam El Mar is one of the biggest legends in trance music as his common project with the late Mark Spoon is considered to be as one of the most influential in the trance scene with considerable chart success as well. Spectral Semblance is Jam El Mar at its finest as he returns back to the basics and he delivers a very powerful long and tripping out progressive production with hypnotic groove, slightly psy infused basslines leading to the breakdown that he reveals the simple but so infectiously gorgeous piano chords that manage easily to crawl under your skin perfect to give you goosebumps. The angressive synthy plucks are coming in to add more roughness and create that spacey cinematic trance vibe. Just gorgeous and truly glorious come back! Please more of the same! #PureGold Love IT[/content]
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