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REVIEW: Nordheim & Tomcraft - Paradise Lost / Heat out on Death By Stereo

Overall Score

Continuing his run of releases and a serious return to form, DB Stereo co-owner, Tomcraft serves up a double A-side for his latest project: Nordheim & Tomcraft, with Munich-based producer​ ​and​ ​modular​ ​synth​ ​wizard​ ​Dominic​ ​von​ ​Nordheim.

‘Heat’ is a pressure-cooker of a club cut that homes in on those peak time sessions. Paradise Lost dips into a more self-reflective palate of sounds: the driving kick and bass remain but a Zero-7 style electric piano provides the melodic build, before a very tasty drop.

Dimitri Kechagias review:
Beat and Rhythm10
Basslines and Groove10
Melody 10
Synths 10
Climax / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment10
Intensity, Drive and Energy10
Sound-design and Arrangement10
Overall Atmosphere10
Goosebumps / Shivers moments10
Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments10
Originality and Inventiveness10
Dancefloor Efficiency / Festival Arenas Effectiveness10
You can’t get this memorable track out of your head10
It has potential to become an anthem or a classic10
Nordheim & Tomcraft - Paradise Lost / Heat10


Nordheim and Tomcraft combine their forces to service two very strong and different tracks. Heat is the more upfront tech house banger with dark moody edges, great haunting synthy layers and rolling beats to attract your attention and grab you from start to finish. It oozes classy treatment. Paradise Lost is my favourite of the two because has more esoteric easy lonely rider side to it. The rock guitar riff along with the piano chords and melancholic strings upon the driving pulsating basslines makes this track really special and attention grabber for sure. Better not miss them as both will be ADE Weapons. #PureGold Love IT
Overall Score

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