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FEATURE: Cosmic Gate’s Wake Your Mind Radio Comes To Spotify & Apple Music

You asked. They answered! Having hit its 125th show last month - and after two and a half years on the airwaves, Cosmic Gate’s celebrated weekly tune-in comes to Spotify and Apple Music this week. A response to heavy fan request, from Monday Oct 3rd (episode 130) you’ll also be able to catch WYM Radio through two of the world’s most popular streaming services.

As ever, across 60 minutes, each show features Nic & Bossi airing the tracks that have been - and will be – turning up the pressure on their floors. Wake Your Mind Radio also encompasses first-listen music premieres, the Big Bang single of the week, their Private Playlist selection and the week’s classic Throwback Track. 

Spotify and Apple Music aside, you can catch WYM Radio through all its usual platforms. First broadcast takes place on Fridays through DI.FM between 13:00 and 14:00 US Eastern (18:00 – 19:00 UK / 19:00 – 20:00 Central Europe, before Above & Beyond’s show). That’s closely followed by its weekly airing on SiriusXM at 16:00 – 17:00 US Eastern (21:00 – 22:00 UK / 22:00 – 23:00 Central Europe) and then on 35 other FM and Internet stations around the world throughout the week.

If that’s not quite enough access, the show is also available Mondays as a Podcast through iTunes and via Cosmic Gate’s Soundcloud page. So now there’s even less reason to miss out on your weekly dose of Cosmology!

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