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FEATURE: Lange announces that stops Lange recordings and focus on Create Music

Lange announced that he stops his label Lange recordings and he is going to focus on his label Create Music that he operates with Black Hole recordings. His statement is as follows:
As you know I set up Create Music a year ago and things have been building nicely. It's now reached a point where I want to develop and grow the label further with my team. After much thought and consideration I’ve decided to pause any further signings and releases on Lange Recordings, and instead focus entirely on Create with Black Hole Recordings. There is an option to bring Lange Recordings back at a later date but for now it's time to look to the future and get more creative! 
It has been an incredible journey for Lange Recordings over the last 12 years, being there for the start of many an artist's career, from Gareth Emery to Noah Neiman, and building some fantastic relationships with numerous artists; Tempo Giusto, Stephen Kirkwood, Johnny Yono to name just a few, and many of which I hope will continue to join me on Create.         
Thanks to everyone who has supported the label, the artists and bought the records over the years and I hope you will continue to enjoy the next chapter. We have one last release for you all (at least for now!) - the culmination of over a decade of releases. I hope you will enjoy a trip down memory lane with "The Best Of Lange Recordings 2004 - 2016” including 54 seminal tracks from the catalogue plus 3x Continuous Mixes, which is released at all stores on September 30th but is available to pre-order now.  Lange

54 seminal tracks from the catalogue plus 3 Continuous Mixes, released at all stores on September 30th but is available to pre-order now. Featuring music from 

Lange, Andy Moor, Gareth Emery, RAM, Craig Connelly, Myon & Shane54, Sarah Howells, Ronski Speed, Mark Sherry, Noah Neiman, Audrey Gallagher, Tempo Giusto, Stephen Kirkwood, Johnny Yono, Susana, John O'Callaghan, 2nd Phase, Monoverse, Iversoon & Alex Daf, Linnea Schossow, Rafael Osmo, Ariel & Danilo and many more!

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