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REVIEW: Harry Square & Ben Stone - Red Orbit out on Mike Push Studio

Overall Score

Harry Square & Ben Stone are teaming up for this massive trance slammer!
Both already earning their credits in the big league and with "Red Orbit" they aim even higher

Dimitri Kechagias review:
Beat and Rhythm10
Basslines and Groove10
Melody 10
Synths 10
Climax / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment10
Intensity, Drive and Energy10
Sound-design and Arrangement10
Overall Atmosphere10
Goosebumps / Shivers moments10
Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments10
Originality and Inventiveness10
Dancefloor Efficiency / Festival Arenas Effectiveness10
You can’t get this memorable track out of your head10
It has potential to become an anthem or a classic10
Harry Square & Ben Stone - Red Orbit10


Absolutely stunning release by Harry Square and Ben Stone on Mike Push Studio. The duo collaborate for one of the biggest trance anthems of the summer 2016. It is powerful, dynamic, hard and banging as we like it to be with big pulsating basslines, thumping cranking grooves, fat drums and of course one of the most captivating and totally devastating melody you ever hear in a trance track.Epic, euphoric with cataclysmic effect on the dancefloor but be warned still is dark and haunting perfect for those seriously underground rave parties. #PureGold Love It
Overall Score

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