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REVIEW: A & Z with Leolani - Fleeting Moments out on FSOE recordings

Making their welcome return on the home of Aly & Fila, A & Z duo deliver their trademark sound of uplifting trance for the appreciative masses. Teaming up with Leolani for this sensational project, this track is sure to be your go to record for those ‘Fleeting Moments’.

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Dimitri Kechagias review: The stunning FSOE recordings is back with Fleeting Moments which is an outstanding vocal trance magic anthem by A&Z featuring the magnificent Leolani on vocals. The track is powerful energetic driving anthemic trancer with metallic basslines, pounding drums, energetic driving atmosphere and of course magnificent vocal performance that shines in the romantic breakdown that will make some ladies out there cry as well. Euphoric feel good melodies combined perfectly with aggressive acid overtones and excellent arrangement that keeps the energy flowing! Essential vocal trance smasher! #PureGold Love It