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REVIEW: KRONO - Liberty City (Lost Frequencies Remix) out on The Bearded Man / Armada Music

Pop quiz, hotshot: if the speed of beard is approximately 4.9 nanometers per second (and it is), and the rate of sexual attraction is directly proportional to (length of beard * awesomeness of music) squared, then at what point did The Bearded Man need to start growing his beard in order to become the indisputable sex god that he is today? 

Give up? The answer is the Lost Frequencies Remix of KRONO’s ‘Liberty City’. Doesn’t make sense? Listen to the song again.

iBeard: bit.ly/LBCLF_iT
Spotify: bit.ly/LCLFRMX_SP
Beardport: bit.ly/LCLFRMX_BP
Follow us on Spotify: spoti.fi/1jvJuin

Dimitri Kechagias review: This is definitely the revenge of The Bearded Men from all over the world. To be exact is the revenge of the eclectic cultured sound against the mass produced junk music that is a constant struggle with winners and losers. The new baby The Bearded Man of Armada Music slowly grows and one of it's most promising members are Kronos from France. They are definitely on their pathway to worldwide success and Armada Music has the know how to guide them to their goal. Their brilliant track Liberty City is remixed beautifully by Lost Frequencies from Brussels, Belgium. Colourful, relaxing emotional classy deep house version with unique chunky crunchy groove, funky sweet deep bassline, cinematic strings and most importantly unforgettable melancholic piano melody that recall the piano melodies used on many trance tracks. With chopped distorted vocals at the background and carefree atmosphere this remix infuses deep house with electronic elements and the result is feel good and very danceable  but very sad and esoteric at the same time. If music can make you feel free Lost Frequencies remix is your gateway to the absolute freedom for the 5 minutes  that this remix lasts and along with it your are Lost in the curly beards too. #PureGold Love iT

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