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REVIEW: Paul Shields - Afterburner out on FF138 records

Inspired by the faster-paced of dance which is coming to the fore of the scene, Paul was keen to create a track which could incorporate everything he loves in trance – the melodies and the driving rhythms! Going through several incarnations before becoming what it is today, probably the longest track he worked on till date, trying to get it to sound as perfect as possible.

Dimitri Kechagias review: The uplifting trance division of FF records that is called FF138 presents the superb power banger Afterburner that is out this week. The talented producer did his best to impress our ears and wake up our full senses. The main groove is super hard with aggressive rough beats, punchy in your face  loud driving bass and on top acid overtones to keep things underground while he adds some little hints of his main melody. His breakdown comes quite early with romantic melancholic piano chords, heavenly voices and nice atmosphere followed by the massive euphoric synthy lead that drops like a bomb and cause huge hysteria on the dancefloor as he builds the proceedings with his top drum roll towards the highly euphoric headbanging and extra smashing climax that is melodic, uplifting and straight to the business. After a shorter breakdown he continues more bass focused in true tech trance direction in order to keep satisfied those who like it a little bit harder. Afterburner sounds perfect for uplifting trance and darker tech trance sets! Pure Energy Rush Guaranteed. Love iT

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