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REVIEW: Greg Downey - Starfire out on Global Code

Greg Downey and Global Code have been on a roll these last months and next up is "STARFIRE". 

Driving bass, haunting vocals and classy melody, all the ingredients you need. This one has been doing the damage worldwide, Go grab it !

Click here to buy on beatport

Dimitri Kechagias review: The creative and always on the right spot dj, producer, radio host and label owner Greg Downey strikes back on his own record label Global Code with the inspiring euphoric mega trancer Starfire. Once again the brilliant dj deliver his full on straight to the point uplifting trance sound that we used to get from him always without any compromise. He keeps his quality level really high and he composes a track that is a lot more than just another ephemeral dance track. It's rather a whole magic sonic experience and the various sounds paint with their own colour the final soundscape that you are invited to inhabit for nearly 7.30 minutes. It starts in true underground uplifting trance fashion. Tough  beats, driving energetic basslines, acid overtones and multiple layers of melodic goodness are added to lead us nicely on the breakdown. Here he reveals the fantastic chorus style male & female vocals that will inspire and haunt you after listening to it once. He combines those mysterious voices with bright colourful synths, piano melodies, and melodramatic classical music themes that switch on your imagination and you start visualise your emotions via  the medium of music. His climax is straight forward pure uplifting trancer as it should be that is destined to make many clubbers shout with happiness and joy! If you like your trance cinematic and euphoric to the maximum and to reduce fatigue to the minimum don't miss Starfire, #PureGold Love iT

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