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TRANCE REVIEW: Craig Connelly & HALIENE - Other Side Of The World (Daxson Remix) out on Black Hole Recordings

Overall Score


For many, June’s release of Craig Connelly and HALIENE’s ‘Other Side Of The World’ delivered one of the most memorable (and downright singable!) floor-anthems of the summer. Was there any reason, the pair wondered, that the track couldn’t pull off the same feat in winter!?

Time to find out …

From his ‘Skygarden’ debut, Daxson’s gone on to become a mainstay of festival & arena events; served one floor-fuelling release after another, and in 2022 delivered his critically applauded first album. Oh, and he’s proved himself a highly capable set of remix hands too - something not lost on Craig Connelly. Craig originally tapped Daxson for a remix of his ‘Anything Like You’ a few years back. With that in mind, when it came to winter-warming ‘Other Side Of The World’, there was no other name on his list … 

The Coldharbourite’s treatment takes the stylistic ground already covered by the original wholly into account. While Craig & HALIENE’s version had the melodic, harmonic and uplifting ends on lock, Daxson delivers something later-night-lethal. He’s charged up the bass-batteries, gone full-focal on HALIENE’s vocal, and rewired it into a savage garden of drum-pump, mainline rip and sonic soar.  One for to-the-dawn merchants out there, you can find streaming and sales options for Daxson’s ‘Other Side Of The World’ rework here 

01: Craig Connelly & HALIENE – Other Side Of The World (Daxson Remix)
02: Craig Connelly & HALIENE – Other Side Of The World (Daxson Extended Remix)

Dimitri Kechagias review:
Craig Connelly & HALIENE - Other Side Of The World (Daxson Remix)10


Craig Connelly & HALIENE combine their creative resources for the anthemic vocal uplifter Other Side Of The World. This fantastic trance smash hit gets the needed remix treatment by the Coldharbour talent Daxson who knows to turn anything he touches into a #PureGold production. Anthemic energetic proglifting trance in his very unique style with techy kicks, rough drums, dynamic super sharp basslines and fantastic anthemic synthy themes that simply elevate the track to the next level. If you go for trance that merges successfully the dark and the euphoric then this remix will be your weapon for months. Love iT
Overall Score
Beat and Rhythm10
Basslines and Groove10
Melody 10
Synths 10
Climax / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment10
Intensity, Drive and Energy10
Sound-design and Arrangement10
Overall Atmosphere10
Goosebumps / Shivers moments10
Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments10
Originality and Inventiveness10
Radio Friendly10
Vocals & lyrics10
You can’t get this memorable track out of your head10
It has potential to become an anthem or a classic10

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