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REVIEW: Costa & Emilya Buchan - My Favourite Regret out on Raz Nitzan Music

Overall Score


Next up on RNM, the home of Vocal Trance, progressive mastermind Costa is back on the label featuring the incredible Emilya Buchan here on 'My Favourite Regret'. Vocal Trance at its finest.

Enjoy and PLAY LOUD!

All the star lit nights of passion
All those lazy summer days 
I was lost in loving moments we shared 

We were driving going nowhere 
Bonnie clyding in my mind 
I always thought you’d be
My ride or die 

I have to let you go
Too heavy on my soul 
Had me under lock and key
And threw us away away

You’ve broken every code
I’m better off alone 
I’m done with empty promises 
My favourite regret regret

All the nights we stayed up talking
Waking up to an empty bed
When you woke up to her instead 

All the plans that we were making 
Just to have me for yourself
Holidays alone while you’re with somebody else 

Dimitri Kechagias review:
Beat and Rhythm10
Basslines and Groove10
Melody 10
Synths 10
Climax / Drop / Crescendo / Pay off moment10
Intensity, Drive and Energy10
Sound-design and Arrangement10
Overall Atmosphere10
Goosebumps / Shivers moments10
Emotional affinity and heartfelt moments10
Originality and Inventiveness10
Radio Friendly10
You can’t get this memorable track out of your head10
It has potential to become an anthem or a classic10
Costa & Emilya Buchan - My Favourite Regret10


Costa & Emilya Buchan collaborate for the brilliant My Favourite Regret. Progressive vocal trance at its very best with pulsating basslines, chunky grooves, driving atmosphere and emotional synthy melody that crawl under your skin easily until to reach the deepest parts of your heart. Emilya's vocals are dynamic enough to talk inside you particularly if you have passed through relationships that have broken you into pieces but still you have the courage and power to move forward. Top lyrics, glowing performance and balearic dreamy trance as only Costa knows how to produce and always amaze us. #PureGold Love IT
Overall Score