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REVIEW: Rene Ablaze ft. Robin Vane - Into The Stars (Matt Chowski remix) out on Magic Island

1. Matt Chowski Remix

Dimitri Kechagias review: After the original version of Into The Stars by the German legend Rene Ablaze now Matt Chowski attempts to add his own take and the result is truly magnificent. Uplifting trance euphoria that will be remembered for long with heavy aggressive tough foundation, driving energetic power dynamic metallic basslines and wonderful layers of feel good positivity that will take you by your hand and  send you to outerspace for your first trance party in the international space station. The vocal by Robin has personality and uniqueness so you can expect others to like it and others to wish for dub non vocal versions as well. Its up for you to decide and spin it for the next winter trance months! #PureGold Love It

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