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REVIEW: James Poulton - Anodyne (Remixed by Amir Hussain) out on Monster Pure

Monster Regular Amir Hussain updates another MT classic and exceeds expectations as he rips ‘Anodyne’ a new one!

Bringing a fresh coat of lacer for 2015 Amir keeps in check with James’ 2010 original but adds some fresh impetus with a well placed goose bump inducing female vocal adlib as the centre piece. Amir’s sublime production credentials are once again on show for all to see as he truly nails this remix!

Dimitri Kechagias review: Monster Pure is always on the right track with great releases so far. The latest one that left us speechless is the brand new remix by Amir Hussain from Newcastle of the beloved track Anodyne by James Poulton. Amir is well known magician who can turn anything he touches into #PureGold. His remix is full on euphoric trance at its very best and highest quality. The bassdrum is fat and throbbing, the bassline is driving and thick like rock while the euphoric synthy hooks are adding the emotional side that slowly and gradually uplift your senses. The breakdown is Amir's speciality and he doesn't fall short of our expectations. Superb heavenly female vocal that cast a spell on you combined with airy pads, epic strings and the main emotional synthy riff that blows your mind cause its simple and addictive at the same time. The climax is euphoric and hands in the air ready to jump around and let all our fears and inhibitions disappear! #TrueTrance Love It

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