A beautiful track like “This Time” deserves a remix we thought, And what an amazing banging remix we received from Tunesian uplifter Wach. Wach is definitely on a roll with his tracks lately being a regular on Armin van Buuren’s ASOT radio show. Philippe El Sisi assisted on the mixing of this track and being the giving soul he is, he didn’t want any credit for it. But we think this track sounds BIG, so thanks Wach and thanks Philippe! And thanks Jilliana Danise for your lovely song!
Dimitri Kechagias review: If you adore vocal trance like me you should check out very often the top record label How Trance Works. The brand new release is the fresh and absolutely mindblowing remix by Wach on the massive hit This Time by Philippe El Sisi & Abstract Vision featuring the ethereal sensitive vocals by Jilliana Danise. Wach is an established artist that labels trust blindfolded to deliver exquisite productions that shine and stand out and his remix on This Time is not an exception. Tough pulsating basslines, head crushing fast and furious kicks, chopped vocal samples on top along with trancy voices combined with uplifting synths. The breakdown is the emotional sacred temple that Jilliana vocal is allowed to shine and spread love and piece to the world. Emotional piano melody combined with classical orchestral music melodic themes open your mind to accept easily the deeper meanings of this highly valuable remix. The climax is full on straight forward uplifting trance at its very best! The classical music infusions elevate the inner self even higher and make you feel in a real state of ecstatic trance. The package includes the dub mix as well where the Jilliana vocals are replaced from opera choir that really make the difference for those who do not appreciate the full meaningful vocals. If you search for the next full on euphoric pure vocal trance anthem and you are not afraid the 138BPM then this remix will be one of your summer favourites! #PureGold Love IT
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