Bazz Wylde, Australia's bad a** is on FIRE!! We are very excited to release the first of many new tunes from this up and coming superstar. 'Alter Ego' will give you a nice taste of what's to come. Be on the look out for more tracks from BAZZ ;-)
Dimitri Kechagias review: Manufactured Music is a label that you can trust if you play uplifting hard house mainstage sets. Alter Ego is the next weapon for your dj battle and is produced by Bazz Wylde. When you listen to it for the first time you can note the difference from other similar tracks and you can sense in your body its unique flavour. Bouncy banging beats, pumping electro infused basslines and superb breakdown with cool synthy plucks and massive electro inspired synthy riff that lead the track after the intense build up to the massive drop. Head crushing basslines and rocking beats are melted with massive euphoric hands in the air synth stabs in order to energise every blood cell and offer the finest party moment of your life! If you dare to taste difference don't loose the opportunity to play Alter Ego! Love iT
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