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REVIEW: Store N Forward & Hannah Ray - Hero out on Afterglow records

1-Hero(Original mix)

My lovely artists and friends "Store N Forward" are back with another super anthem teaming up with UK Singer "Hannah Ray". The release is called "Hero".


Dimitri Kechagias review: One of the finest duo's in EDM at the moment return in their home base for another epic progressive trance release. The beloved Store N Forward after many stand out  instrumentals and some unique vocal anthems return on Afterglow records from Berlin with the awesome vocal trancer Hero featuring one of the finest voices in trance, the sweet and so touching Hannah Ray. Hero is an epic proglifting trancer with great bubbly chunky beats, the driving  playful and creative punchy basslines and of course as always the strongest part is the rock guitar riffs, the luscious electronic melodies and the euphoric uplifting synths working like a treat with the melancholic atmosphere. The lyrics will speak straight to your heart and maybe you will identify with them cause every single person on planet earth happen to become a Hero for his family, for his friends and relatives, for his neighbourhood and even his country. Hannah Ray once again proves her ability to move your emotions and make the more sensitive like me cry while listening to it. I can imagine clubbers dancing along with it and maybe cry a little as well. Don't forget to check out the creative and very exceptional teaser. This is what we should call Pure and Innocent vocal trance. Lets make this great track number 1 at Beatport. Adore IT!

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