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REVIEW: C-Systems featuring Hanna Finsen - Pieces out on Unearthed Red

1-Original Mix
2-Original Dub
3-Ultimate Remix
4-Ultimate Dub
5-Jo Micali Remix
6-Jo Micali Dub

Celebrating the half-century on Unearthed Red are the guys who were responsible for the debut release on the label. Teaming up with Hanna Finsen they bring us their gorgeous new single, Pieces. With a driving groove as always, Pieces builds up, teasing in melodies until dropping for an incredible breakdown allowing Hanna's beautiful vocals to shine over the emotional melody.

First up on remix duties is Ultimate with a lovely melodic remix. With splendiferous production, adding to the melody lines and reworking the main hook in his own style, the remix is a lovely twist on the original.

Completing the release is Jo Micali returning the remix favour for the C-Systems remix on his recent track Fade Away. Grabbing you straight from the off with his addictive build melody, Jo gets you into the swing of the track before the euphoric break and his uplifting piano line.  

Dimitri Kechagias review: It is very rare to come across of high quality uplifting female vocal trancers at these days. Unearthed though is one of those labels that keep the levels really high and provide us another feel good vocal trancer that comes along with a great  package of mixes that will satisfy you 100%. Original mix is a stunning uplifting vocal beauty that has all the elements that we wait for in a solid well composed production full of melodic and rhythmic goodness. Hanna's vocals are incredible and she shines upon the wonderful soundtrack and provides additional value for the listener. Jo Michali continues on the same uplifting style of the original highlighting the main melodic theme, working perrfectly the long and melancholic breakdown, pushing the track in the main part with far drum rolls  and adding piano riffs in the climax  to satisfy the growing fanbase of piano dream trance. Last but least the superb Ultimate as the name suggests provides the Ultimate alternative by changing the main theme completely and keeping the wonderful vocals and adding them more space to breathe. Its a star package and one that will stand out for sure.

Additional info: www.unearthedrecords.com